Executive Summary
On October 31, 2008, the person (or persons) going by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto first posted the paper titled, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” Within months, the first Bitcoin had been “mined” setting off a technological and cultural revolution. And over the next decade, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies would see a dramatic rise in distribution and price, culminating in an epic 2017 that saw the value of many cryptocurrencies grow by more than 1,000%!
Unfortunately, just as public infatuation with cryptocurrencies seemed to reach a peak, so did its price, leading to a disastrous 2018. During the year, many cryptocurrencies lost upwards of 80% of their value, leaving investors with sizeable losses, and questions about what to do, if anything, to make the most of their losses (at least from a tax perspective).
Fortunately, to that end, back in 2014 the IRS released IRS Notice 2014-21, providing its first substantive guidance on the taxation of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency transactions. Notably, the IRS determined that cryptocurrencies are “property” for Federal tax purposes, and not currency. Thus, the sale of cryptocurrency results in capital gains and losses, rather than ordinary income.
In general, the basis of a taxpayer’s cryptocurrency is the price paid to acquire the currency (in U.S. dollars) from its previous owner, typically via an exchange. In other words, the basis of an investment is what you paid to acquire it. In the context of cryptocurrency that is mined, though, there is no “purchase” transaction in the first place. Instead, the act of mining itself is treated as an income-producing activity, such that the fair market value of the cryptocurrency is included in gross income when it is mined. In turn, that fair market value becomes the miner’s cost basis in the cryptocurrency property going forward.
For taxpayers who liquidated cryptocurrency positions at a loss in 2018, the “planning” options are unfortunately somewhat limited. At this point, the best that can be done is to use any 2018 cryptocurrency losses to offset other 2018 capital gains and up to $3,000 of ordinary income. Any additional (cryptocurrency and other capital) losses must be carried forward for use in future years.
Taxpayers who currently hold cryptocurrency positions with unrealized losses can still choose to liquidate those positions in 2019 and use those losses to offset other portfolio gains (e.g., enabling investors to minimize the impacts of rebalancing out of other investment positions that have accrued substantial capital gains).
Unfortunately, though, harvesting cryptocurrency capital losses may be easier said than done, particularly for long-term cryptocurrency investors whose early purchases have accumulated in value, as FIFO tax treatment for multiple lots of cryptocurrency is likely required. On the other hand, because cryptocurrency is “property” but not (at least at this point) treated as an investment security, it appears the Wash Sale Rule does not apply to sales of cryptocurrency. Thus, positions with losses can be sold in order to be able to use the loss for planning today (or to “bank” the loss for future use), and still repurchased shortly thereafter (for those who want to continue to HODL), enabling the investor to continue to participate in future appreciation (at least if they’re still optimistic about cryptocurrency investment potential in the first place).
Finally, it’s worth noting that the digital nature of cryptocurrency makes it more susceptible to theft-by-hack (or other means), while its ethereal nature makes it more likely to be truly lost (via lost keys or cold-storage hardware) than other assets. Which is important because unfortunately, such losses would be treated as casualty losses which, after the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, are generally no longer deductible at all!
Many crypto-advocates believe its long-term growth potential and viability as an asset class remains strong. Nevertheless, many investors first entered into the crypto-game in 2017 – when interest in the asset class grew exponentially due to its dramatic rise in price – and are now left trying to make the most of their losses.
The origins of cryptocurrency are generally traced back to October 31, 2008, when the person (or persons) going by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto first posted a link to a paper entitled, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” As the name implies, the paper described a peer-to-peer version of “electronic cash”… one that would allow payments to be made between parties directly, and without the need of a financial institution or other trusted intermediary to facilitate the exchange.
Just months later, in January of 2009, Nakamoto “mined” the “genesis block” – the first block of the bitcoin blockchain – and per the Bitcoin protocol, he received 50 bitcoin (BTC) for that effort. One could argue that, at the time, Nakamoto’s bitcoin reward for mining the block was both priceless (in that the coins were the first-ever mined on what would become a revolutionary platform), and, essentially, worthless (given that, at the time, there was no real market for Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies).
Roughly two years later, however, in March 2010, the first trading price of Bitcoin – $0.003 per coin – was recorded by the bitcoinmarket.com exchange (which has since closed). And just months after that, in May 2010, what is believed to be the first real-world commercial use of Bitcoin occurred when programmer Laszlo Hanyecz infamously purchased two Papa John’s pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoin.
Over the next seven years, the awareness of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency continued to rise, as did its price. But none of that was anything like 2017.
The Wild Ride of Bitcoin (And Other Cryptocurrencies) In 2017 - 2018
It wouldn’t be much of an exaggeration to say that 2017 was marked by Bitcoin mania. At the start of the year, the price of a Bitcoin was roughly $1,000. During the year, however, the price of Bitcoin grew exponentially, and by December of 2017, the price of just a single Bitcoin reached nearly $20,000.
The dramatic increase in price, coupled with tales of “instant riches” caught the attention of the media, and by late 2017, it was hard to open a magazine or watch television without coming across some sort of Bitcoin-related story. So-called experts made wild predictions about Bitcoin's continued growth, with some even speculating that the price of Bitcoin would reach $1 million per coin by 2020 (which seems all but impossible now). Unsurprisingly, the media, the hype, and the prospects of missing out on the next “gold rush” led many people to jump into the Bitcoin market for the first time, even as prices continued to make new all-time highs seemingly by the day.
Unfortunately for many, the Bitcoin “bubble” popped in 2018. By the end of 2018, Bitcoin was off nearly 80% from it’s high of nearly $20,000, closing out the year at under $4,000. Worse yet for investors who diversified into other cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin’s performance was actually one of the cryptocurrency market leaders, with prices of many other cryptocurrency coins falling more than 90% or more.
Thus, thanks to the 2017 hype that saw a massive number of new entrants into the cryptocurrency market (and, in particular, more “everyday folks”), and even though 2018 was not the first time that there was a significant pullback in the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin notably lost roughly half of its value in 2014 after the largest exchange at the time, Mt. Gox, was hacked, and roughly 850,000 bitcoin were stolen), this is the first time when substantial amounts of “regular” investors are looking around and trying to figure out what, if anything, they can do with their 2018 Bitcoin and cryptocurrency losses.
For Tax Purposes, Cryptocurrency Is Property, Not Currency
As interest in the nascent field of cryptocurrency began to grow and its user base began to expand in the early 20-teens, questions regarding the tax treatment of transactions involving Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies began to surface with greater regularity. Ironically, the biggest question was simply whether cryptocurrency, as its namesake would suggest, is even a currency (at least for tax purposes) to begin with, or if is some other type of asset instead.
In response to this question and others, on March 23, 2014, the IRS released IRS Notice 2014-21, in which it described how existing tax law applies to transactions involving “virtual currency” via a series of questions and answers. Notably, Q&A-1 emphatically answered the question, “Is cryptocurrency a currency for tax purposes?” with a resounding “no,” stating:
Q-1: How is virtual currency treated for federal tax purposes?
A-1: For federal tax purposes, virtual currency is treated as property. General tax principles applicable to property transactions apply to transactions using virtual currency.
The significance of the IRS’s position cannot be overstated. By designating cryptocurrency as “property” rather than currency, sales of cryptocurrency generally produce capital gains or capital losses, and not ordinary income or losses.
Thus, investors engaging in cryptocurrency transactions that produce gains are able to benefit from the favorable capital gains rates (assuming that they have held the investment for more than one year), while those with losses are limited in their ability to use such (capital) losses under the normal rules that apply for netting capital gains and losses.
Determining Basis In Cryptocurrency To Calculate Capital Gains
In order to determine whether an investor has a gain or loss with respect to a cryptocurrency transaction, it is first necessary to determine the investor’s basis. For many, this should be of minimal complication. With the rise of popular cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Coinbase, Gemini, Coinmama, CEX.IO, and Bitstamp, many cryptocurrency owners have acquired their coins through more “traditional” means, where it’s straightforward to determine how much they put into the purchase in the first place.
Said differently, they used an exchange as an intermediary (which is, ironically, one of the things the creator(s) of cryptocurrency were trying to avoid) to find a willing seller, similar to the way investment securities are traded on stock exchanges. Accordingly, for such investors, the basis of the virtual currency acquired via an exchange is simply their purchase price (in U.S. dollars at the time or purchase), plus any related transaction expenses such as commissions (which is essentially identical to the treatment securities investors receive when they purchase securities via an exchange).
Unlike investment securities like stocks and bonds, however, which can only be acquired from someone else (unless you are the originator of such a security), Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can be both acquired from someone else and created. The production of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is known as “mining,” which is a complex process where computers verify data (performing the verification function that historically has been handled by a trusted intermediary, such as a bank or government), and add new blocks to the public blockchain to report and record new data (such as the transfer of Bitcoin between two persons), and in exchange for conducting such activity Bitcoin miners receive a small allocation of Bitcoin directly in exchange for their (computer’s) work.
And just as Satoshi Nakamoto received 50 Bitcoin for the creation of the first block on the Bitcoin blockchain, crypto-miners today continue to receive rewards for adding new blocks to the chain. (Though today, the reward for adding a new block to the chain has decreased to “just” 12.5 Bitcoin). For tax purposes, when a miner successfully mines a virtual currency – the reward for doing the work to verification work needed to maintain the integrity of the blockchain – the fair market value of that virtual currency is included in the miner’s gross income (akin to wages or other compensation received for work delivered). The same is also true for individuals who are compensated with cryptocurrency for services rendered. The fair market value (the amount included in gross income) of the cryptocurrency received as compensation then becomes the taxpayer’s basis for determining future capital gain or loss on that cryptocurrency to the extent they continue to hold it after mining/receiving it.
Example #1: Several years ago, as a hobby, Jason built a powerful computer to mine Bitcoin. On December 7, 2017, his “rig” successfully verified a block of transactions and performed the necessary cryptography to add a new block to the Bitcoin blockchain. By doing so, Jason “mined” 12.5 Bitcoin.
At the time of Jason’s mining, Bitcoin was worth $15,000 per coin. Thus, when filing his 2017 tax return, Jason should have reported 12.5 x $15,000 = $187,500 of ordinary income attributable to his mining efforts. That $187,500 would then become his cost basis in the coins for any future sale.
Example #2: Julie is a graphic designer who works virtually with most of her clients. In October of 2017, Julie was contacted by Bagel Bytes, an internet bagel café, to do some work for its new website. Generally, Julie would charge $10,000 for this work, but she agrees to accept 1 Bitcoin instead.
Over the next few months, Julie completes her work, and per their agreement, on December 7, 2017, the owner of Bagel Bytes transfers Julie 1 Bitcoin for her efforts. At the time, the price of a single coin was $15,000. Although Julie only performed $10,000 worth of work, because she is being paid in property, the fair market value of that property (on the date of receipt) must be included in her income. Thus, since she actually received $15,000 of Bitcoin at the time of completion, she will report $15,000 in income, and that $15,000 fair market value when received becomes her cost basis for any future sales.
Planning With 2018 Realized Cryptocurrency Losses
While the mantra of many cryptocurrency enthusiasts is HODL – which, depending upon whom you ask, is either “hold,” but misspelled, or an acronym for “Hold On for Dear Life” – many cryptocurrency investors “cried Uncle” at some point during the 2018 coin-pocalypse, throwing in the towel and leaving themselves with capital losses related to their cryptocurrency transactions.
Unfortunately for such investors, though, since 2018 is already over, there isn’t much planning that can be done when it comes to making the most of those losses.
At this point, it’s simply a matter of aggregating those cryptocurrency losses with other capital gains and losses from 2018 (e.g., from any other stock, bond, mutual fund, ETF, or other investment property transactions). If, when combined, total capital gains for the year is a net negative number, up to $3,000 of those losses can be used as an ordinary loss, offsetting “regular” income, like W-2 wages, interest, and distributions from retirement accounts. Any additional losses must be carried forward for use in future years.
Planning With Unrealized Cryptocurrency Losses
For investors with unrealized cryptocurrency losses still in their portfolio – in other words, those who have been “hodl-ing” Bitcoin on the way down and still haven’t actually sold – the first course of action from a tax planning perspective should be to look at other positions within their portfolio (both cryptocurrency and more traditional investments) and determine if it would make sense to liquidate some positions with gains and to use the cryptocurrency losses to offset that gain.
This may be especially appealing for longer-term investors, given that the current bull-market run officially just recently turned 10 years old. Which means there are many investors with positions in their portfolios that have substantial gains. At times, such investors may wish to sell such investments for diversification purposes – or simply because they believe there may be better opportunities available for the use of that capital – but they are hesitant to do so because of the potential tax consequences and need a workaround strategy. If there are available cryptocurrency losses, those losses may alleviate the tax concerns and allow for the desired sale.
Of course, there are certainly some cryptocurrency investors who were “in on the action” earlier than most, and may still have substantial gains in some or all of their cryptocurrency positions purchased in 2016 or prior (notwithstanding the magnitude of 2018 losses). If so, losses in other more-recently-purchased cryptocurrencies could actually be used to offset the earlier gains.
No 1031 Exchanges For Cryptocurrencies With Gains After TCJA
Notably, the strategy of using recent cryptocurrency losses to diversify out of earlier cryptocurrency purchases that still have big gains is of even greater importance since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Because amongst many other changes, TCJA changed the language of IRC Section 1031 to allow for like-kind exchanges only of “real property” instead of just “property.”
Thus, Congress slammed the door on any possibility that a 1031 exchange could be used to diversify out of gain-heavy cryptocurrencies. Instead, to both diversify those gain-heavy positions and to avoid taxes, the gain on the disposition of those cryptocurrency positions must be offset by other losses, including those from other cryptocurrency positions. (Or to the extent the gains cannot be offset with losses, then capital gains taxes will be due.)
FIFO Treatment Is (Likely) Required For Separate Cryptocurrency Lots
One of the unfortunate challenges for long-term cryptocurrency investors – who may have a mixture of gains and losses for coins acquired over the years – is ambiguity over how, exactly, to determine which coins are being sold (with which cost basis).
As while IRS Notice 2014-21 answered many of the questions that investors and tax professionals related to cryptocurrency transactions, it failed to address all of them. And specifically, one question that has yet to receive a definitive answer is whether investors have the ability to choose their method of accounting (e.g., the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method, the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method, or the specific identification method) when selling cryptocurrency.
By default, IRS Treasury Regulation 1.1012-1(c)(1) requires the use of the FIFO method, which means that the first Bitcoin purchases made by an investor would also have to be the first Bitcoin sold by that investor. For an early adopter, that could mean selling a low-cost-basis, highly appreciated Bitcoin purchased in 2013 before a high-purchase-price, highly depreciated “loser” Bitcoin purchase in late 2017.
Notably, the IRS does allow for the default FIFO method to be overridden, and either the LIFO or specific identification methods to be used when an investor can make an “adequate identification” of the asset in question. But therein lies the rub. How can you possibly make an adequate identification with respect to cryptocurrency? One Bitcoin, for instance, is indistinguishable from the next.
Thus, without being able to make an “adequate identification” (and more specifically, an “adequate identification” in the eye of the IRS), the FIFO method must be used.
In terms of application to cryptocurrency more broadly, though, the FIFO treatment would be applied on a per coin basis, as different types of cryptocurrency coins are identifiable from one another based upon their code. Thus, for instance, if an investor holds Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum positions and decides to sell a portion of their Litecoin, only the prior Litecoin purchases would be analyzed to determine which lot (i.e., the basis) of the Litecoin is being sold (using the FIFO method).
For those with multiple “wallets” (a software program in which cryptocurrency is stored), who wish to take a moderately more aggressive tax position, the FIFO method of accounting could potentially be applied on a per-wallet basis. But for those who wish to really push the boundaries and try to use either the LIFO or specific identification methods, just know that you’re skating on the proverbial “thin ice.”
The Wash Sale Rule Likely Does NOT Apply To Cryptocurrency Transactions
IRC Section 1091 details a provision of the law known as the “Wash Sale Rule.” The Wash Sale Rule is, in short, a rule that was put in place to prevent investors with a loss from selling their loser-investment, and then just repurchasing it back again in short order (so they’re never actually out of the market).
More precisely, the rule prevents an investor from claiming a loss for any stock or other security sold if that stock or security (or one that is substantially identical) is (re)purchased anytime during the period of time beginning 30 days before the date of the sale (of the stock or security for which there would be a loss) and ending 30 days after the date of the sale. If such a transaction does take place, the loss on the sale is disallowed, though investor is allowed to increase the basis in the new investment by the otherwise-disallowed loss (which means the loss isn’t itself permanently lost, but simply deferred to the future).
Notably, however, the Wash Sale Rule applies do not apply to property in general, but rather, only to the sale of “stocks and securities.” There is no doubt that cryptocurrencies are not shares of stock, and to date, the IRS’s position has been that cryptocurrencies are not investment securities.
Thus, it appears that the wash sale rules do not apply to cryptocurrency transactions, as IRC Section 1091 reads, in part:
“In the case of any loss claimed to have been sustained from any sale or other disposition of shares of stock or securities where it appears that, within a period beginning 30 days before the date of such sale or disposition and ending 30 days after such date, the taxpayer has acquired (by purchase or by an exchange on which the entire amount of gain or loss was recognized by law), or has entered into a contract or option so to acquire, substantially identical stock or securities, then no deduction shall be allowed under section 165 unless the taxpayer is a dealer in stock or securities and the loss is sustained in a transaction made in the ordinary course of such business.”
Taking the view that the Wash Sale Rule does not apply to transactions involving cryptocurrency, one could argue that virtually any time you have a loss in a cryptocurrency position, it makes sense to sell the position and then simply buy it back again (for those who otherwise want to continue to HODL). As long as transaction costs aren’t prohibitive, harvesting that loss can then either be used to offset other current gains (in cryptocurrency or any other investments) or simply “banked” for future use. Furthermore, since it appears that you can repurchase the cryptocurrency shortly after you sell it, this strategy (sell and buy back shortly thereafter) would seem to make sense even if you believe the cryptocurrency position will rebound in the future.
That said, investors should be careful not to push the boundaries of this strategy too far. For instance, if a sell and a buy order are made virtually simultaneously, the IRS could simply try to attack the economic substance of the transaction. For instance, if the investor sold Bitcoin and literally bought it back 10 seconds later, the IRS might maintain that the investor never substantively changed their economic position with a sale at all.
Whether the IRS would win that argument is anyone’s guess, but it’s probably not a battle worth fighting. Instead, cryptocurrency investors should just wait a "reasonable" amount of time between the sale and the repurchase. And given that cryptocurrency exchanges are open pretty much 24/7 and the price of coins often fluctuates by several percentage points during the day, even putting just a few hours between a sale and a purchase can go a long way to refuting any lack-of-economic-substance argument, while still harvesting losses and preserving the bulk of the cryptocurrency investment to become/remain (re-)invested for the future.
Tax Losses Lost For Lost Cryptocurrency After TCJA
Transactions involving cryptocurrencies that result in losses are one thing, but losing the actual cryptocurrency itself is entirely different. Say, for instance, that a “cold storage” device (an offline cryptocurrency wallet) is taken, or that the “key” to access one’s cryptocurrency is lost, or that your online exchange is hacked and your coins are stolen… what then?
Unfortunately, in light of changes made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, it would seem as though such losses would be nondeductible in anyway. As “property” the theft, destruction or loss of cryptocurrency would be considered a casualty loss. Yet such losses (other than those attributable to a federally declared disaster area) were eliminated by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act through the year 2025. Thus, the true “loss” of cryptocurrency results in no loss for tax purposes under the current law. It must actually be sold in a transaction to recognize (and claim a tax loss for) the loss.
2017 saw the dramatic rise of cryptocurrency in both pop culture and price. Unfortunately, the following year proved to be disastrous from the point of view of investors (especially those who piled in in 2017), with most cryptocurrencies falling by upwards of 80% in 2018.
In light of this dramatic decline, many investors have either sold cryptocurrency positions with losses, or hold positions with current losses. Unfortunately, the IRS’s classification of cryptocurrency as a “property” somewhat limits investors’ abilities when it comes to making use of those losses. That is compounded by the likelihood that FIFO treatment must be applied to cryptocurrency transactions. Nevertheless, some savvy planning and a bit of knowledge can help such investors make the most of their cryptocurrency losses from 2018, and avoid problems with the IRS as well.
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cryptos are the way to go nowadays. Just make sure all transactions are secured as you can let it be. The last thing I want is a problem with all my accounts esp. with fx leaders. That shouldn’t be a trouble at all with them because they do value privacy and security.
I contacted a pro hacker when I lost my Bitcoin in a bad transfer,
B T C R E C O V E R Y 1 0 1 @ C O N S U L T A N T . C O M, helped me recover and secure my wallet.
Would you believe I completely forgot my password and couldn’t access my Ethereum? I was really upset with myself and thought it was gone forever but B T C R E C O V E R Y 1 0 1 @ C O N S U L T A N T . C O M came to the rescue. I’m really appreciative of their efforts because I would have been very upset if my faulty memory cost me my investment for good! thank you very much
You can now recover all you lost to scammers. The most important thing is not backing down and making sure you talk to the right people concerning your recovery. This team is incredible and will definitely recover what you lost and give you the peace of mind you deserve! Send a mail to support @ corecrypto . tech.
we will see that good projects can raise capital easier, faster and at lower cost, investors will receive increased liquidity of their investments, Real Estate Tokenization good projects will receive a liquidity premium, and investors around the world will have access to previously inaccessible types of investments.
I was completely taken in by a binary option company, and soon they had all my deposits and profits. Later, I found out that I couldn’t withdraw my funds. I called my account manager but nothing was done. I tried so many different ways, but no luck, and had given up. However, R E C O V E R C O I N @ R E S C U E T E A M . C O M completely took control and got back all of my money!
Recovery expert referral.I lost my bitcoin to fake blockchain.com impostors on Facebook, they contacted me as blockchain official support and i fell stupidly for their mischievous act, this made them gain access into my blockchain wallet whereby 7.0938 btc was stolen from my wallet in total .I was almost in a comma and dumbfounded because this was all my savings i relied on . Then I made a research online and found a recovery expert , with the contact address- Proxyphreak47 @ gmail com .I wrote directly to the specialist explaining my loss. Hence, he helped me recover my bitcoin just after 2 days he helped me launch the recovery program , and the culprits were identified as well , all thanks to his expertise . I hope I have been able to help someone as well . Reach out to the recovery specialist to recover you lost funds from any form of online scam……..<>
Best Recovery Service. Got my money back in 2 days…
A stitch in time saves nine as the adage says, it would be advisable to follow through the procedure to which I saved my life from the hands of a cheater, depression and pain. It’s so sad to share my story on here but I just want to let you all know especially those going through hard times in their relationships you are not left alone you just need to get the right hands to help you out. I need help on how to read my husband’s text messages and call logs. Please help me, this is a thing of life and death. WEBHUBGHOST via his g m ail helped.. He can help you recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrencies (BTC, eth and more)….contact address: WEBHUBGHOST (@) G MA I L or text: +19044177214….
Extremely incredible service
I invested a lot of money to earn profits trading and lost my investments to a scam company. I have now had all my investments and profits returned by a recovery commando. You can reach me to share my trading experience and how I had all my money returned jameswillliams04 at gmail dot com
Recovery expert referral.
I lost my bitcoin to fake blockchain impostors on Facebook, they contacted me as blockchain official support and i fell stupidly for their mischievous act, this made them gain access into my blockchain wallet whereby 7.200 btc was stolen from my wallet in total .I was almost in a comma and dumbfounded because this was all my savings i relied on . Then I did some research online and found a recovery expert , with the contact address- Proxyphreak47 (@) gmailcom.
I wrote directly to the specialist explaining my loss. Hence, he helped me recover my bitcoin just after 2 days. He helped me launch the recovery program , and the culprits were identified as well , all thanks to his expertise . I hope I have been able to help someone as well . Reach out to the recovery specialist to recover your lost funds from any form of online scam.
It is possible to recover what you lost to scam brokers but most people don’t know this because they are either not informed or they have been conned by a recovery expert. Truth is there are only a few people who can pull this off and i was lucky to meet with one of them. If you need help with this i suggest to send a mail to contact@alliedrecovery. Org or WhatsApp: +14253121045
I was able to recover my funds from a very sketchy company, 24Options, Last year a friend and I invested all our life savings but got duped in the process. This January, we were able to use the services of R E C O V E R C O I N @ R E S C U E T E A M . C O M and we have gotten all our money back. My nightmare is over, It’s a whole new day here. Do be careful when dealing with investments.
I I also lost about $175,000 to an IQ option broker and 2 fake binary option website as well but I am sharing my experience here so as to enlighten and educate everyone that is losing money or has lost money to a scam including binary options, dating scams,Recover all your lost money to Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency, mortgage/realestate scams and fake ICOs.However , I have been able to recover all the money I lost to the scammers with the help of a recovery professional and I am pleased to inform you that there is hope for everyone that has lost money to scam.you can reach out to them
EMENDRECOVERY.COM ,you can also send a mail via emendjames 105 AT GMAIL COM or text +1 520 261 9012
Are you a victim of the following ;
Binary option, Forex trading, Romance , ICO Scams, Bitcoin mining, Phishing, exchange scams etc
Just in any case you have lost your hard earned money. Don’t give up, I have a good news for you. Core crypto is currently recovering funds for all victims. Service delivery is second to none. I obliged myself the privilege to announce this to everyone. Hurry and contact email;
( support @ corecrypto .tech ) .
I thank God I escaped from the scammers hands. I recently recovered my funds
back from a broker that ripped me off, I had to hire a recovery company to
get my money back
All thanks to Money Recovery Solution that helped me recovered back my
Have you ever been scammed before? the Good news is that all hope is not lost
because you can still recover back your funds. All you need to do is
contact the recovering company via: (M O N E Y R E C O V E R Y 0 0 1 at S O L U T I O N 4 U dot C O M)
Recovery expert referral.I lost my bitcoin to fake blockchain.com impostors on Facebook, they contacted me as blockchain official support and i fell stupidly for their mischievous act, this made them gain access into my blockchain wallet whereby 7.0938 btc was stolen from my wallet in total .I was almost in a comma and dumbfounded because this was all my savings i relied on . Then I made a research online and found a recovery expert , with the contact address- Proxyphreak47 @ gmail com .I wrote directly to the specialist explaining my loss. Hence, he helped me recover my bitcoin just after 2 days he helped me launch the recovery program , and the culprits were identified as well , all thanks to his expertise . I hope I have been able to help someone as well . Reach out to the recovery specialist to recover you lost funds from any form of online scam.////
Cryptocurrency investors invest their money through different platforms offered by exchanges, that’s all well and good for the time being, but to the Average person the system can be a little confusing and intimidating, not to worry no more here’s a tip , most financial investors have been giving compliments to this experts ,that’s a client job I guess who’s well comfortable with the technical skills and support this experts rendered. you can reach them on this platform (emendjames105 @ gmail com)With the help of this experts , I’ve been able to regulate my expenses towards my financial struggles which I’m overcoming gradually. it’s important to have a well-diversified portfolio selected to match your investment goals, however this experts helps in the progress towards your financial success. If you have any issue regarding bitcoin why not send them an email and save yourself the stress, Thank you .
After many months of depression that i nearly lost my life, I came to know about a recovery agent through the internet. I was glad to have them as these guys are on the verge of vanishing all illegal forex traders. They have got maximum knowledge about the forex trading, Binary Options and how-to recovery lost bitcoins. i was Defrauded by a several fake investment firms like 24option, crypto mine, fxtradegoal and 2 others, . I lost about $151,000 and when enquired for withdrawal they started with their crazy excuses which ruin my life but i was able to recover all lost bitcoins. contact them (emendjames105 @ GMAIL COM).
This is the only way to recover lost funds, there are a lot of bad eggs online so you are lucky if you are in touch with the right one. I was lucky and you can be too ( E M E N D J A M E S 1 0 5 at G MAI L dot COM) is the contact you should send an email to.
So there’s no reason to get scared after losing your funds to scammers.
I can’t say for many but there’s a particular service I used sometime last year to recover my non spendable bitcoin. Emend Recovery is a genius I found on the internet who specializes is cryptocurrency investment and recovery. I had been trying to access some non spendable bitcoin in my blockchain wallet for a couple of months. The non spendable bitcoin was given to me by one fraudulent I had business with on Hangout. He offers various services regarding to cryptocurrency you can hit him up for enquiries or if you need help: emendjames105 at gmail dot com. Goodluck!
Really crazy world. This hackers go at any length to steal funds. I have been a victim about 7 months back. Con artist gained access to my coinbase account through a phising scam. They stole 3.2 BTC. I was really devastated. I did everything to get back my funds by contacting the support but there was nothing they could do. A friend told me about a recovery company, Emend Recovery, They help fight against various investment scam and i could only thank God they were able to retrieve my Bitcoins. contact Emend Recovery via emendjames105 AT gmail COM
Last year December I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest into Cryptoallday. I made an initial investment of € 190,00 and they asked for € 14,500 more in order to access my withdrawal. I followed their instructions and made another deposit. For 2 months now I have been trying to contact Cryptoallday but I got no response. I talked to my friends and colleagues about it and luckily for me a friend of mine just got out of a situation like that and introduced to a crypto recovery expert that helped her during her investment problem, within 3 days of contacting them they were able to help me get 100% of my lost money back. they only got paid after the recovery and I had no problem with giving them 10% from the recovered funds after I got it back. You can reach out to them for more insight.E M E N D J A M E S 1 0 5 ATN GMAIL COM
Hello everyone, I want to share my experience of work with Refund ltd. But first, I’ll tell you a story about how I was deceived by scam broker. It was Trade -24 fx. First, I made a deposit there, after which they start calling me day and night and saying I need to invest more. The guy who called me introduced himself as my account manager and promised me mountains of gold, so I made another deposit, but the calls did not stop, they called me until I ran out of all the money that I could deposit and then he just disappeared. I wrote about my terrible experience on FB but they removed it. So no one was going to return the money to me. Being already in complete despair, I turned to the guys call Raymond and he helped me get back my money from this scammer. talk to [email protected] today to help you get back your money from the scammer
‘m forever grateful to Emend Recovery for helping me recover my lost funds of 2btc from fraudulent broker and other scammers online. Hire a topnotch recovery firm like E.R who are consisted of private investigators and ethical hackers equipped to help you recover your funds back from any pundit online. They also help in recovering lost Cryptocurrencies; TBC, ETH, BTC and every other stolen funds expeditiously. Cntt them on; (emendjames105AT gmail COM. Thank me later.
Please beware there are many fake bitcoin mining/investment platforms
out there, I got scammed twice before I met a genius recovery who helped
retrieve my bitcoin. The whole plan was so smooth I could not doubt it.
Bitcoin is actually a great investment option but one thing I
discovered over time is that it is not possible to mine bitcoin so don’t
be deceived. I invested $7000 on a particular
website (procapitalmarket), I monitored the profit yielding but got
locked out of the account before I could withdraw. I went online and met
this credible person who helped me retrieve my bitcoins back in few
hours. You saved my life and I will forever be grateful.
I referred my
friends whom we got scammed together right away and they got help
too. You should send them a mail too emendjames105 @ gmail COM I guarantee you won’t regret i
I was scammed by binary option traders over $300k and i have been trying to get my stolen funds back until an old friend told me about Emend Recovery who helped me recovered my fund . Here i am and i am testifying Emend Recovery Whatsapp +1//520//261//9012 is 100% trust worthy and he will recover fund within a week. Don’t give up on your fund as the real time to recover your fund this COVID period
i lost my bitcoin because i fell victim to a spam email encouraging me to invest in a bitcoin company that was going to yeild 100% profits in 2 months,so i invested $5000 ,when it was time to withdraw my funds ,they asked me to pay $2000 to unlock my money which i did,i kept paying the fees they requested for until i could no longer take it,i got introduced to emend recovery by my friend,i decided to take the risk and contacted them (emendjames105 at GMAIL dotcom) recover my funds and to my greatest surprise i had my funds handed to me within a week
I really see bitcoin getting bigger and having a stronger ground in the financial sector of this world, The way it has lasted during its ups and downs is what will make you realize bitcoin is here to stay. I have made over 40k$ in the few months of investing with bitcoinminingexpert Chinese pool and i’m now added to there telegraph without any issues, if you are interested in investing with Crypto or Bitcoin this is where i would recommend for you, withdrawal is not an issue because i have withdrawn my profits severally. Guys i will advice you to contact them via email just the way i did…(Bitcoinminingexpert11 ATgmail DOT com)
My company just recovered over $824,000 that was lost to some online scammers all thanks to this pro Emend Recovery . I promised to paste his contact all over the net so if you need help, contact Emend Recovery – (emendjames105 at @ gmail com).
I got scammed by a crypto broker. Financial spring recovery helped me recover all my funds.Contact Financialspringrecovery .tech if you got scammed online.
Be wary of internet scams.
If you need genuine help contact in recovery your lust funds or tracking your scammer, daniellinkagerecoverygroup.com is the answer, they are legit, because I’ve been through a life threatening mess and they helped me. or go to their email, [email protected], this guys are effective and i am a living testimony.
Last year December I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest into Cryptoallday. I made an initial investment of € 190,00 and they asked for € 14,500 more in order to access my withdrawal. I followed their instructions and made another deposit. For 2 months now I have been trying to contact Cryptoallday but I got no response. I talked to my friends and colleagues about it and luckily for me a friend of mine just got out of a situation like that and introduced to a crypto recovery expert that helped her during her investment problem, within 3 days of contacting them they were able to help me get 100% of my lost money back. they only got paid after the recovery and I had no problem with giving them 10% from the recovered funds after I got it back. You can reach out to them for more insight.emendjames105 @ gMAIL COM
Heb je op een bepaald gebied van je leven wanhopig een hacker nodig ??? dan kunt u contact opnemen met; (www.hackintechnology.com diensten zoals; -hack in de telefoon van je bedriegende partner (whatsapp, bbm.gmail, icloud, facebook, twitter, snapchat en andere) -Verkoop van blanco pinautomaten. -hack in e-mailaccounts en traceer de e-maillocatie -alle sociale media-accounts, -schooldatabase om cijfers te wissen of te wijzigen, -Herhalen van verloren bestanden / documenten -DUI’s -bedrijfsrecords en -systemen, -Bankrekeningen, Paypal-accounts -Creditcard-hacker -Credit score hack -Monitor elke telefoon en e-mail adres -Websites hacken, pentesten. -IP-adressen en mensen volgen. -Hacking cursussen en lessen CONTACT THEM = hackintechnologyatgmaildotcom of whatsapp +12132951376 hun diensten zijn de beste op de markt en 100% veiligheid en discreet werk is gegarandeerd
I wanted to purchase a new car but i
couldn’t because of my poor credit score then i contacted karma credit for help. I had a few collections and some hard
inquiries. karma credit took care of
the collections and raised my score to 780. I got the car and thanks to him.
You can reach him on; karmacredit @ repairman.com. or +1 301 778 5314
This is my honest experience. There are a lot of untrue recommendations but because i haven’t worked with all of them i can’t tell you not to trust all of them. I won’t be the one to alter someone’s livelihood. If you have lost money to scam anytime at all, there is a solution. Send a mail to this recovery team (support@ corecrypto. tech) to get the peace of mind you deserve.
Dear Sir/Ma,
We offer certified and verifiable financial bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable
of taking up time bound transactions.
PRICE = 32%+2%
Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded,
loan financing by providing you with yearly.
RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days
I will be glad to share with you our working procedures.
Name : Scott james
Email : [email protected]
Skype : [email protected]
How to recover your money from forex schemes, brokers, binary, fake investments proposals or funds recovery from other platforms Investment scam is all over the place in the recent time and due to greediness people fall victim daily to bogus promises. I was scammed on investing in bxtcoin.com Ensuring a guaranteed return. I sent them 1.0089BTC . This was one of the biggest mistakes of my life, after which i got blocked and couldn’t contact them anymore. I felt so frustrated and devastated, not until i saw on YouTube a referral for a recovery agency [email protected] , this agent saved my life , he helped me hack the rippers and i was able to recoup all i lost. I’m doing this because i know there are people out there falling for everyday scams, send a message to [email protected] and get your money back .
They took all my money from me, this is a con site, do well to check reviews from previous investors before you get enticed by their RIO. I would have known this site was a canard if I had gone through some of the reviews before investing my money. I was so confused on what to do when I couldn’t get back my $25000. I would have suffered a huge loss But thanks to Caltech Recovery for helping me to get my money back. Contact gmail @ via caltechrecovery at gmail dot com
it’s sad how many individuals fall victim of these scam daily) , making a complain to them would actually not bring back the money you had lost but it would help you realize you got played.. but the good news is there is an organization out there called werecoverfundsLMT .
This group were brought together to help victim who were scammed recover their money, I know you asking yourself (how is that possible) cause I did ask the same question when I heard of them(werecoverfundsLMT dot com) but at the end of it, I didn’t regret taking the step cause all funds were recovered back to me.
They have helped a lot of victims who got scammed not only in binary option scam but also bitcoins scam and romance scam
I lost over 100k in an investment trading company last year; i was down because the company refused to let me make withdrawals and kept asking for more money…. My friend in the military introduced me to a recovery agency Caltech Recovery and he’s being really helpful, he made a successful recovery of 95% of my investment in 2 weeks, and I am really grateful to him. If you are a victim of binary scam and needs to get your money back, please don’t hesitate to contact him on email: “caltechrecovery at gmail dotcom”. If you have been scammed he can restore your hope of getting your money back
Are you a victim of the following ; Binary option, Forex trading, Romance , ICO Scams, Bitcoin mining, Phishing, exchange scams etc Just in any case you have lost your hard earned money. Don’t give up, I have a good news for you. ITspecialist crypto is currently recovering funds for all victims. Service delivery is second to none. I obliged myself the privilege to announce this to everyone. Hurry and contact email; ( Bitcoinitspecialist@ gmail.com ) . Thank me later.
This is my honest experience. There are a lot of untrue recommendations but because i haven’t worked with all of them i can’t tell you not to trust all of them. I won’t be the one to alter someone’s livelihood. If you have lost money to scam anytime at all, there is a solution. Send a mail to this recovery team (Bitcoinitspecialist@ gmail dot com) to get the peace of mind you deserve!!
RECOVER LOST BTC I lost my bitcoin to fake blockchain.com impostors on Facebook, they contacted me as blockchain official support and I fell stupidly for their mischievous act, this made them gain access into my blockchain wallet account, whereby 7.0938 btc was stolen from my wallet in total .I was almost in a comma and dumbfounded because this was all my savings I banked up on , waiting for bitcoin rate to improve . Then my niece recommended me to an expert, I researched online and found the recovery expert , with the contact address- Bitcoinitspecialist @GMAIL.COM .I wrote directly to the specialist explaining my loss. Hence, he helped me recover my bitcoin just after 2 days he helped me launch the recovery program , and the culprits were identified as well , all thanks to his expertise . I hope I have been able to help someone as well . Reach out to the recovery specialist to recover you lost funds from any form of online scam .
Dear Sir/Ma,
We offer certified and verifiable financial bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable
of taking up time bound transactions.
PRICE = 32%+2%
Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded,
loan financing by providing you with yearly.
RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days
I will be glad to share with you our working procedures.
Name : Scott james
Email : [email protected]
Skype : [email protected]
I also lost about $75,000 to an IQ option broker and 2 fake binary option website as well but I am sharing my experience here so as to enlighten and educate everyone that is losing money or has lost money to a scam including binary options, dating scams,Recover all your lost money to Bitcoin and other Crypto currency, mortgage/realestate scams and fake ICOs.However , I have been able to recover all the money I lost to the scammers with the help of a recovery professional and I am pleased to inform you that there is hope for everyone that has lost money to scam. Contact this via mail (caltechrecovery @gmail.com ) She will help you recover your funds.
Dear Sir/Ma,
We offer certified and verifiable financial bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable
of taking up time bound transactions.
PRICE = 32%+2%
Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded,
loan financing by providing you with yearly.
RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days
I will be glad to share with you our working procedures.
Name : Scott james
Email : [email protected]
Skype : [email protected]
How you get money back after being scammed onlinehttps://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e40bd36ce0111143435dab12f12fdd56ebc4677ca3d5e4b7ce91456adcb8b110.png
How you get money back after being scammed
I am sharing my experience here so as to enlighten and educate everyone, Cryptocurrency is not a risky business only if you can understand the market trend properly and locate a regulated broker to sign up with, I’m a professional trader in bitcoin and i love to see other traders excel in cryptocurrency that’s why i have decided to share my best profitable strategy . I was once a victim of scam in crypto but i was able to recover all my lost funds when i met a pro. Trader who assisted me and showed me how things work here . He also offer assistance to withdraw money from scam broker in case your money is stuck, Thanks to caltechrecovery at gmail , com.
No long talk. My story isn’t one i would like to share online. It makes
me feel really stupid. Don’t contact any of these recovery firms except
– support @ recoverytemple . Tech
Via email.
No long talk. My story isn’t one i would like to share online. It makes me feel really stupid. Don’t contact any of these recovery firms except -support (@)) recoverytemple . tech
Via email.
Well I have been a scammed victim and I really felt so desolate at the time of my lost not because I lost that much money but because I trusted too much, it got so bad that I lost my happy home as every member of my family got enraged, little did I know that every cloud has a silver lining and maybe a blessing in disguise it was, while searching online i came across caltech recovery,they helped me recovery my funds in less than 48hours. contact them caltechrecovery at gmail ,,com
lost a lot of money in binary option, it is really terrible to see how this scammers wont stop at nothing to make sure they take from people, even though it took a while before i could get my money back, i knew i was not going to let that go, i reported to the police and the police could not do anything, not until i read about this company daniellinkagerecoverygroup .com this company helped do everything in their power to make sure i have money, they were able to trace my funds and get me my money back from this scammers. if you have a problem, i am pretty sure they can help you too.
A lot of answers have been contributed to this question with a very few turning out to be true, some answers were actually meant to give false hope to victims of binary options or bitcoin scam, i’m sorry to announce to you, it takes a herculean task to do so and also the help of experts like Caltech Recovery to get it back, i’d implore to be weary of bogus claims by people in this comment section, they might be plots to lure you, id also advise intending bitcoin investors to be careful while trading, so many fake firms out there hunting for your hard earned income. If it promises a very huge return, its most likely fake regardless of the regulation company they claim to be an affliate of.Those that have fallen victim of this scam can contact emend recovery via ( caltechrecovery) @ GMAIL COM
Dear Sir/Ma,
We offer certified and verifiable financial bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable
of taking up time bound transactions.
PRICE = 32%+2%
Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded,
loan financing by providing you with yearly.
RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days
I will be glad to share with you our working procedures.
Name : Scott james
Email : [email protected]
Skype : [email protected]
Be Aware of this two scam investment website: crypt-profits and yengtoroinvest I Invested 5000$ and reinvested it for 3 days and the money got to 12,213$. I told them that i wanted to withdraw. They told me i have to Pay 20% of my money before I can withdraw, which was 2,442$. I paid it and the following they , i wanted to withdraw and they told me i have to pay additional 5000$ . I told them i will not pay any money again, and that was how it ended. I taught they had gone with my money until I came across caltech Recovery whom many had reviewed how he helped them recovered there stolen bitcoin and funds, I contact his email on (caltechrecovery @gmailCom) gave him a try and the outcome was epic! He helped me recovered all my stolen bitcoins within 72 hours, Helped me makes profit with the aid of his Mining skills, and since then I’ve been benefiting from caltech Recovery, just last month I got myself a pent house!
This is my honest experience. There are a lot of untrue recommendations but because i haven’t worked with all of them i can’t tell you not to trust all of them. I won’t be the one to alter someone’s livelihood. If you have lost money to scam anytime at all, there is a solution. Send a mail to this recovery team (support (@) recoverytemple .tech) to get the peace of mind you deserve.
They deserve all the praise!
I had lost so much money trying to make profit on binary, I lost my investments and never made any gain. I had to find a way to at least get some of my money back. I was scared I’d lose my money but I gave it a go and I was able to recover half and i’m currently working on recovering the remainder. here’s their google mail: mxspy01
It’s been hard losing a lot of my money to these companies. I found an investigative Company mxspy01, who made sure I got back everything. If your case is similar, you can consult them on how to get your money back.
Few weeks back, lost a great deal of investment to a bit finance platform I read about on YouTube. I was very down casted until I got my stolen investment recovered with the help of –[instantrecovery12((AT)gmail com]– They help me recovered 99% of my investment and placed on a perfect trading strategy where I earn double of my investment. I hereby urge others going through similar issue to reach out to INSTANT RECOVERY today for great assistance.
Anyone can fall into the wrong hands and lose their money. Most of the time what these brokers are offering is always too good to be rejected, but the only thing to do after losing your money is to find ways to get it back and that’s exactly what I did. It was very bumpy as I lost more money but I finally hit my goal and it was only possible because I decided to take a leap of faith and email CALTECHRECOVERY aTGmail. Com very good reliable services
The best IT expert to help you keep tab on your suspected cheating spouse is REMOTESPYTECH on gma IL cause he provides vivid evidences which can be use for court cases from the data files on your spouse’s devices. Get in touch with REMOTESPYTECH at gma IL now!! for an outclass help…. try him now
Wonderfully genuine service
How I recouped stolen crypto currency coins and tokens from scam hackers on telegram: People all over the world are hearing about the fast profits early investors are making on Bitcoin and other coins and want to join the party and make a fast profit. But be sure, where big money is, there are also companies that are abusing and taking advantage of this situation. Such was my situation, I had a fake telegram group admin contact me and gave me a phishing link in which my 12 recovery phrase was compromised. These evil persons gained access to my cryptowallet and stole all my coins and tokens worth over $ 230,000. I was in great despair due to this situation, I was confused till a group member on the telegram referred me to REMOTESPYTECH @ GMAIL . COM . This recovery agent is really God sent. After relating all of my predicaments, details of incidence and necessary requirements for my recovery program, it took them less than a week to track and recover all of my tokens and coins back, they helped me hack the perpetrators wallet and all of my coins were returned to me. I am so amazed, joyous and appreciative. I don’t know what I would do without this specialist. They specialize in chargeback disputes and their team knows how to identify these types of scams. If you invested in Crypto and believe you have been scammed contact their experts today and they will help you recover your losses. Contact: REMOTESPYTECH @ gmail . com…
Best Regards….
I’ll advice you to use the services of a reliable IT expert / Recovery expert to help you retrieve all your lost or stolen bitcoin on the bitcoin network from scam brokers and fake investment platforms (Websites, blogs and forums). His services are outstanding and you can contact him at REMOTESPYTECH (@) GMAILCOM. Perfectly quintessential service. He can help you track and monitor a suspected cheating spouse..
Exceedingly Supreme Service..
Highly ranked and outsmart Service
Unique assistance
Extremely Superb and Classic Review….
Few days back i saw a notification of a transaction which suddenly popped up on my coinbase account. I was surprised when I logged in to see some initiated transactions which wasn’t authorized by me. Immediately I suspected I’ve been attacked via phishing so I came online to find a fund recovery expert to recover my stolen fortune. Thank God I met Dave who restored all my funds within a few hours, I’m glad I met the real deal Dave you can reach him at F U N D R E S T O R E R (@) G M I L [] C O M for a swift service
I am writing to express my gratitude for their help in recovering my $1.3 million worth of bitcoins that were hacked from my Trezor wallet after reading about them on a reddit article covering the various fraud across Silicon Valley. I opened an account with thehackerspro smart contract developers on [email protected] and have already received half of my funds. The obstacle now is the BNB gas fee, but I am sure it will happen soon enough as I continue to wait patiently for the rest of my recovered assets.
Recovery expert referral…
I lost my bitcoin to fake blockchain impostors on Facebook, they contacted me as blockchain official support and i fell stupidly for their mischievous act, this made them gain access into my blockchain wallet whereby 7.1 btc was stolen from my wallet in total .I was almost in a comma and dumbfounded because this was all my savings i relied on . Then I did some research online and found a recovery expert , with the contact address- Proxyphreak47 (@) gmailcom.
I wrote directly to the specialist explaining my loss. Hence, he helped me recover my bitcoin just after 2 days. He helped me launch the recovery program , and the culprits were identified as well , all thanks to his expertise . I hope I have been able to help someone as well . Reach out to the recovery specialist to recover your lost funds from any form of online scam.
Best Recovery Service. Got my money back in 2 days……
The best recovery service is rendered by Dave at F U N D R E S T O R E R {@} G M I L [] C O M . Contact him for all your lost and stolen crypto and digital assets. He’s the real deal
Bitcoin are great. BUT with the digital triangulation experts at thackerspro, you can recover your funds in case they get hacked. They were able to recover over $2M worth of bitcoins from my Trezor wallet after i read an article on reddit about their exploits with someone else and many others that had lost their funds to various investment scams across silicon valley. I just detached the first part of my funda, now waiting for the $Bnb gas fee to go through before i detach the rest.
From my experience, I guess the best way to avoid online scam is by having a very thorough investigation about the subject matter. If i had this advice i would probably have not gone through the ordeal i went through some months past.
Thank GOD for this breakthrough, I have lost so much money trying to make profit on binary, I lost my investments and never made any gain. I had to find a way to at least get some of my money back if not all. I was scared I will still lose my money but I gave it a go and I was able to recover half and currently working on recovering the rest. I’m only dropping their contact because I know there’s no way i’d be the only one here’s there google mail: caltechrecovery AT gmail com
A lot of trading and investment scams have sprung up since the advent of Bitcoin especially since the pandemic since a lot of people were looking for financial security. It was easy to convince people times were really hard .The people handing these scam schemes have successfully taken advantage of people’s little knowledge about cryptocurrency investment .Due diligence must be exercised in dealing with trading companies.Get a free consultation on how to recover your funds from any scam via mail to maxiverecovery AT gmail.com.
It has been really hard losing a lot of my money to these binary options trading companies. Fortunately, I found a Recovery Pro Company == who made sure I got back everything I lost. If you are in a similar situation and lost a lot of money, you can consult them on how to get our money back me to share my experience
Really crazy world. This hackers go at any length to stealfunds. I have been a victim about 7 months back. Con artist gained access to my coinbase account through a phising scam. They stole 3.2 BTC. I was really devastated. I did everything to get back my funds by contacting the suppport but there was nothng they could do. A friend told me about a recovery company, caltechrecovery at gmail,They help fight against various investment scam and i was glad they helped me recover my funds.
While investing in bitcoins, be cautious. If your bitcoin gets stolen, then it can be a very frustrating time but instead of getting frustrated, it is important to
act fast so that you can get your money back. Unluckily, there are many victims that do not get their money back because it is very hard to track down the people
behind it. The thief is either in another country or using fake identities. But in some cases, it is easy to track the person who has stolen your bitcoin.
Tracing bitcoin is not hard for the bitcoin forensics or specialists. Send a mail to [instantrecovery12**((AT))** gmail DOT com] to get your stolen bitcoins sorted
I had a very bad experience with an unregulated broker and was saved by the timely intervention of swift coin recovery who just in nick of time got back my $138000. He is really good at what he does, i have recommended him to friends and co workers who all became satisfied customers. He has helped me alot in the trading industry, you can reach him at maxiverecovery@ gmail com for anything fraud related
It is absolutely possible to recover what you lost to fake brokers online. Truth is there are only a few people who can pull this off and i was lucky to meet with one of them (INSTANT RECOVERY). Incase you need help with this i suggest to send a mail to <**instantrecovery12 (gmail) dot com**> I actually went to their office so they are 100% legit. Don’t lose this opportunity, guys. they are the real deal!
if you are in financial difficulties or you find it difficult to clear all your bills or you are in big debt because of scammers, now is the time to put an end to all this happenings in your life, we want to introduce you to a real and legit bitcoin investment platform where you can earn 5 times your invested funds weekly and profit are 100% guaranteed for example you invest $500 we are capable to earn $2500 for you in 7 days
Interested Viewers should contact uss
via whats-app: 27633586789 or email: [email protected]
to get started
It’s quite unfortunate that many people including me have fallen for cryptocurrency investment scams. After you make your first deposit, they will try and convince you to make more deposit, and when you try to withdraw they ask you to make another deposit before you can access your profit. This really devastating when I explained to a colleague and he told me he experienced the same thing that I am in the middle of getting scam. He then informed me of Maxive Recovery who helped in to sort his issues out. I reach out to them as well and my case was sorted. you can reach them AT maxiverecovery AT gmail {}com
Recovery Scammed Bitcoin and Lost Cryptocurrency
Visit ClimaxRecovery.com or send an email to [email protected] +1 909 248 4443
Provide all necessary information
Recovery process starts, and your recovered crypto is returned to you on completion.
if you’ve ever been scammed and thought you would never get your money back, well I’m glad to break the good news to you, and it the easiest you would go for and it is 100 percent guaranteed with the help from INSTANT RECOVERY you have nothing to worry about.
Instant Recovery is a company that helps you get back every lost money, the most interesting part is you need no one to help you do this, all you got to do is to send them a mail via , **[instantrecovery12 ++at++gmail dot com]**
they will make your problem their priority
I appreciate this HACKER for helping me recover my stolen funds 750,000USD from Binary Brokers within 24 hours { perfectwealthrecovery } is an experienced Private Hacking Organization with a spare master key that no one has. He can help you recover your lost or stolen funds from any Binary Platform also he can render any hacking services.Stop being scammed by fake hackers.
whatsapp: +1 254 307 7185
Address:118 Bonita Way
Byron , GA, 31008-3613
United States
Anyone can fall into the wrong hands and lose their money. Most of the time what these brokers are offering is always too good to be rejected, but the only thing to do after losing your money is to find ways to get it back and that’s exactly what I did. It was very bumpy as I lost more money but I finally hit my goal and it was only possible because I decided to take a leap of faith and email [__INSTANTRECOVERY12 //AT// gmail dot com___]
I am open to share my experience in Bitcoin recovery and to also enlighten everyone on how I was able to recover my stolen bitcoins from scammers fronting as an ICO , feel free to reach out to the recovery company that helped me recover my stolen funds via [__instantrecovery12 at gmail dot com___]
They helped me, they can help you too
Well for someone who was scammedtwic, first by my scammer, second by a firm who promised to help me recover my money, I’ll tell you to do your research and don’t just fall for everything you read on the internet, I eventually was able to get my money back through the help of Daniel linkage recovery group, you can google them and contact them, don’t fall for these scammers, and you’ve ever been scammed & you need a way to get your money back and get justice, Daniel linkage recovery group is the only company I can attest to.
Using spying apps isn’t as effective as using a hacker, the difference between the two is very clear. I saw it clearly when i contacted superfastvenom via gmail to spy on my husband.
Have you gotten yourself involved in a cryptocurrency scam or any scam at all? If yes, know that you you are not alone, there a a lot of people in this same situation. I was a victim of a cryptocurrency scam that cost me a lot of money. This happened a few weeks ago, there’s only one solution which is to talk to the right people, if you don’t do this you will end up being really depressed . I was really devastated until i sent a mail to an expert team who came highly recommended, Maxive Recovery {(maxiverecovery AT GMAIL dot com)}. I started seeing some hope for myself from the moment i sent them a mail. The good part is they made the entirely process stress free for me, i literally sat and waited for them to finish and i received what i lost in my wallet.
I got scammed many times .I’m in debt because of this kind of investment of bitcoins especially in telegram app. please everyone avoid investing to any person whose offering investment and in big returns. All of their proof of payouts there are false. they use other people’s identity to convince the investors. I was just fortunate to have been introduced to the guys at (*||*) they helped in getting all of my Bitcoin back.
About a few months back my credit score was in the low 500, I couldn’t get approved for a loan to buy a home or car. I reached out to a specialist that I got referred to by a friend and he removed all the negatives on my credit report and increased my score up to 795. all my inquiries, evictions, school loan etc were removed. if you also need your credit fixed, Reach out to: CyberNetHack101 At gmail Dot Com
It’s has been hard losing a lot of money to Binary Options and Cryptocurrency Trading, my money has now been recovered thanks to a Recovery Pro. You can reach out to them via R E C O V E R C O I N @ R E S C U E T E A M . C O M.
it was a success, I got my lost funds recovered am happy to share my experience so far in trading binary options have been losing and finding it difficult to make a profit in trading for long, traded with different trading companies but I couldn’t earn profits and I ended up losing the whole live-saving I gave up on trading until I met INSTANTRECOVERY who help me and gave me the right strategy and winning signals to trade and earning process and also I was able to get all my lost fund back from all the brokers and trading companies I traded with, now I can make profits anytime I place a trade through her amazing masterclass strategy feel free to email their on mail {[INSTANTRECOVERY12<>gmail() com]}
i lost my bitcoin because i fell victim to a spam email encouraging me to invest in a bitcoin company that was going to yeild 100% profits in 2 months,so i invested $5000 ,when it was time to withdraw my funds ,they asked me to pay $2000 to unlock my money which i did,i kept paying the fees they requested for until i could no longer take it,i got introduced to emend recovery by my friend,i decided to take the risk and contacted them (caltechrecovery AT gmail dotcom) recover my funds and to my greatest surprise i had my funds handed to me within a week
I recouped my cryptocurrency loss from telegram scam, this would not have been possible without hiring blockchain recovery specialist Cryptorecguarantee@aol[]com my very good friend referred me to. People all over the world are about the fast profits early investors are making on Bitcoins, it is sad scamers are taking advantage of victims. If you invested but got scammed call✆ +44 7537160215 today to file report or write to CRYPTORECGUARANTEE using Aol com for a chance to get back the bitcoins you lost.
Anyone can fall into the wrong hands and lose their money. Most of the time what these brokers are offering is always too good to be rejected, but the only thing to do after losing your money is to find ways to get it back and that’s exactly what I did. It was very bumpy as I lost more money but I finally hit my goal and it was only possible because I decided to take a leap of faith and email Bitcoinitspecialist @gmail. com very good reliable services
I had a very bad experience with an unregulated broker and was saved by the timely intervention of swift coin recovery who just in nick of time got back my $138000. He is really good at what he does, i have recommended him to friends and co workers who all became satisfied customers. He has helped me alot in the trading industry, you can reach him at swiftrecovery11 at gmail dot com for anything fraud related
Finally I have been able to retrieve all my lost funds of about $457,000,which I never believed I would get again from an unregulated broker who stocked my trading capital for over 3 months now, and denied my access to my trading account. I’m so glad that I have gotten back all my funds back without stress, All thanks to my neighbor who introduced me to a certified binary option recovery expert. Do you have funds that you wish to withdraw from your account, is your Broker manager asking you to make more deposit before you can place a withdrawal, have you last money from any investment online? , are you confused and you don’t know how to go about ? Contact (MAXIVERECOVERY@GMAIL COM])
It’s quite unfortunate that many people including me have fallen for
cryptocurrency investment scams. After you make your first deposit, they
will try and convince you to make more deposit, and when you try to
withdraw they ask you to make another deposit before you can access your
profit. This really devastating when I explained to a colleague and he
told me he experienced the same thing that I am in the middle of getting
scam. He then informed me of caltechrecovery((caltechrecovery AT gmail Com)) who helped in to
sort his issues out. I reach out to them as well and my case was sorted.
I am happy I reached out to them early
I’m forever grateful to SWIFT RECOVERY for helping me recover my lost funds of 2btc from fraudulent broker and other scammers online. Hire a topnotch recovery firm like then who are consisted of private investigators and ethical hackers equipped to help you recover your funds back from any pundit online. They also help in recovering lost Cryptocurrencies; TBC, ETH, BTC and every other stolen funds expeditiously. reach then at swiftrecovery11 at gmail com. Thank me later.
I also lost about $75,000 to an IQ option broker and 2 fake binary option website as well but I am sharing my experience here so as to enlighten and educate everyone that is losing money or has lost money to a scam including binary options, dating scams, Recover all your lost money to Bitcoin and other Crypto currency, mortgage/real estate scams and fake ICOs. However , I have been able to recover a significant part of my investment I lost to the scammers with the help of SWIFT RECOVERY and I am pleased to inform you that there is hope for everyone that has lost money to scam. Contact this via mail swiftrecovery11 (@) gmailcom . He will definitely help you recover your funds…///
I invested thousands of dollars in this trading, I was able to stack up for a while until all was wiped out clean by this site by vehemently refusing to hand over my wins to me. This went on for a few months until I was introduced to INSTANTRECOVERY12 <(_AT_)> GMAIL COM whom I contacted via mail and he helped me recover my lost funds.
November 2020 was for me the beginning of a nightmare, that ended
recently thanks to Caltech Recovery that came to my rescue. I lost
$180,000 with a investment company whom I taught were professional. With
the help of this recovery company, I was able to recover some money so
that I can now put that horrible story behind. Mark (the agent assigned
to assisst me ) was very compassionate and understanding. He was always
available; it was easy to get in touch with him. I cannot imagine what
would have been my life within the last 2 months without his support. I
urge everyone; don’t ever get involved with cryptocurrency investment
companies. They will act friendly with you, gain your trust, play with
you like professional brokers and you will be caught in their web. It’s
all a scam If you get caught you can trust Caltech Recovery to do the
maximum to help you get your money back. They are the people who care
and will give you hope. ” caltechrecovery AT gmail com is their
contact .
Maxive recovery is the real deal. you will be amazed at the rate of their of the success in recovering funds AND cryptocurrencies for victims. He work efficiently, i wouldn’t know what i would have done if not for their help. i was scammed and i gave up cause i didn’t think i could recover my money, they helped me recover my money after a friend recommended them to me. (maxiverecovery(at)gmail {]com) renew my faith in humanity. you can contact him for assistance
The Only People who are capable of helping you to recover your money are legit company like Maxive recovery company with expert lawyers and hackers. Most of these Binary option companies are scam so therefore they have weak Database security, and their vulnerabilities can be exploited easily with the Help of special HackTools, Root HackTools And Technical Hacking Strategies. All < GMAILL coM]|>> do is to hack into the Company’s Database, Extract your files and documents, Decrypt your Transaction Details and some Technical Hacking Execution follows then you have your money recovered in your account. While they do all this for you, all you have to do is sit back and your stolen binary funds will be recovered in no time.
Few months back! My
credit score was in the low 500, i couldn’t get approved for a loan to buy a
home or car. I reached out to a credit repair specialist that I got referred to
by a friend, he removed all the negatives on my credit
report and increased my score up to 795. All my inquiries, evictions, school
loans etc were removed .if you also need your credit fixed, contact: HACKINGPROFESSIONAL3
There has been a lot of trading and investment scam which seems to drain people off their funds, leaving them broke and in debt. I can remember recently meeting someone at the restaurant, crying when she discovered that she was being scammed off her savings. Luckily for her, I immediately introduced her to the same recovery team that put me through recovering my money back when I was once scammed (maxiverecovery (at)gmail(dot)com) and now, I am really happy for her she has all her savings back with her and no regrets. You can also be a pertaker. Recover your scammed funds contact MAXIVE RECOVERY
ecovery expert referral.
I lost my bitcoin to fake blockchain impostors on Facebook, they contacted me as blockchain official support and i fell stupidly for their mischievous act, this made them gain access into my blockchain wallet whereby 7.200 btc was stolen from my wallet in total .I was almost in a comma and dumbfounded because this was all my savings i relied on . Then I did some research online and found a recovery expert , with the contact address- Jeannehacker818 (@) gmailcom or +1 571 489 7055
I wrote directly to the specialist explaining my loss. Hence, he helped me recover my bitcoin just after 2 days. He helped me launch the recovery program , and the culprits were identified as well , all thanks to his expertise . I hope I have been able to help someone as well . Reach out to the recovery specialist to recover your lost funds from any form of online scam.
Technological advancement has made it easy for things that appear
impossible very possible. I’m saying this because I was a witness to
this awesome development in tech. When I lost a few coin sometimes last
month I spoke to a friend and he recommended me to caltech recovery. I contacted them via caltechrecovery AT gmail com to lodge a complain
and their team of expert attended to me and helped me through the
recovery process which usually takes about 72hrs. You should give them a
try and thank me later.
Finally I was able to find the credit repair hacker after so much research. He erased all negative items from my report and brought my score up from 520 to 817 in less than two weeks. He also helped a friend recover money from some scammers in Africa. If you ever need him to fix your credit or anything else here’s his contact W I Z A R D C R E D I T H A C K at C O N S U L T A N T dot C O M….God bless
If you need genuine help contact in recovery your lust funds or tracking your scammer, SWIFT ACCESS is the answer, they are legit, because I’ve been through a life threatening mess and they helped me. Go to their email, swiftaccess37 (*at*)) gmail,com these guys are effective and i am a living testimony.
it was a success, I got my lost funds recovered am happy to share my experience so far in trading crypto currency and binary options have been losing and finding it difficult to make a profit in trading for long, traded with different trading companies but I couldn’t earn profits and I ended up losing the whole live-saving I gave up on trading until I meet [Roy Donald ] who help me and gave me the right strategy and winning signals to trade and earning process and also I was able to get all my lost fund back from all these brokers and trading companies I traded with, now I can make profits anytime I place a trade through his amazing masterclass strategy feel free to email him on mail {maxiverecovery AT gmail}com
Be Aware of this two scam investment website: crypt-profits and yengtoroinvest I Invested 5000$ and reinvested it for 3 days and the money got to 12,213$. I told them that i wanted to withdraw. They told me i have to Pay 20% of my money before I can withdraw, which was 2,442$. I paid it and the following they , i wanted to withdraw and they told me i have to pay additional 5000$ . I told them i will not pay any money again, and that was how it ended. I taught they had gone with my money until I came across Maxive Recovery whom many had reviewed how he helped them recovered there stolen bitcoin and funds, I contact his email on (maxiverecovery@gmailCom) gave him a try and the outcome was epic! He helped me recovered all my stolen bitcoins within 72 hours, Helped me makes profit with the aid of his Mining skills, and since then I’ve been benefiting from maxive Recovery, just last month I got myself a pent house!
Stolen Bitcoins end up in the wallet of the scammers that stole them, that
doesn’t have to be the end of your Bitcoins. In recent times, there has been
good reviews on Disqus about a recovery experts called SWIFT ACCESS
who is able to recover stolen Cryptocurrencies. I was a scam victim on
Bitfinance, and thought i had lost all my Bitcoins, and my account was also
suspended. Thanks to (
I was able to recover all my stolen Bitcoins. You can send your request, TheY
provides excellent services
A trader help me to trade while I invested with him in Bitcoin and Forex, I invested $500 to earn $15,000 weekly while he trades for me, his name is Luis Carlos WhatsApp: +14234516435 Email: tradewithluiscarlos@gmail. com he is highly recommended.
Get in touch with SWIFT RECOVERY @ swiftrecovery11 at gmail dot com to help you recover all your scammed funds. I got in touch with them when i was scammed by Tradestation to be precise, having deposited over $75,000 but still couldn’t withdraw any funds. They kept on telling me to deposit more to reach a certain amount but still couldn’t withdraw then it dawned on me that these people were playing games with my money.
Within a week of contact, SWIFT RECOVERY . com did the impossible, they recovered everything and also my ROI for the agreed duration of investment.
Dont hesitate to contact them if you need any help. They’re the Best out there.
My phone was recently stolen. My Blockchain and Trustwallet apps were on it.
I bought a new phone the next day but couldn’t log into my Cryptocurrency apps.
I tried all i could but nothing was working,so i decided to come and do a
search online on if it is possible to recover lost Bitcoins and Cryptocurrency
apps passwords. Luckily for me i saw many reviews about a recovery expert and
reluctantly decided to contact him via HACKINGPROFESSIONAL3 AT GMAIL DOT COM.
To my suprise he helped me recover my passwords and my lost Bitcoin and other
coins i had. I’m still surprised till now so i decided to share this here to
help others.
These past 3 weeks, HACKINGPROFESSIONAL3 a t g,m,a,i,l d o
t C.o,m have provided me with valuable
services in correcting and improving my credit score. Few collections was deleted from my credit
report, score was raised to 742. He also helped me recover my lost Bitcoin
I was impatient to carry out necessary research but I really wanted to jump on the crypto trading and investment buzz. Unfortunately for me, I invested 75,700 GBP worth of bitcoin with a fraudulent company. I was happy to watch my account grow to 214,575 GBP within a couple of weeks. But I didn’t realize I was dealing with a scam company, until I tried to make an attempt to withdraw. I made a withdrawal request, and noticed my account was suddenly blocked for no apparent reason. I tried contacting customer support, but all to no avail. I needed my money back at all cost, because I could not afford to let it go. So I tried all possible means to make sure I recovered my scammed bitcoin. I did a lot of online search for help, and tried to see if there were other people who had any similar experience. I stumbled upon a cryptocurrency forum were a couple of people mentioned that they had been through the same process but were able to recover their lost cryptocurrency, funds with the help of [email protected]. So I file a report on [email protected] and he was able to help me get back all my lost funds withing 2 weeks I feel indebted to him. Apart from trying to express my gratitude to them once again using this medium, I will recommend anybody who wants to recover scammed bitcoin, stolen cryptocurrency, funds lost to binary options forex, investment and any other form of online scam to reach out to [email protected].
Was your Bitcoin stolen from your wallet or you invested in
an ICO that turned out to be a scam? You
are not alone because this happened to me too. I initially lost $247000 in just
three months. I contacted the authorities and someone i know there referred me
to Hacking Professional who helped me recover all my funds within 6 days. I’m speaking up to improve awareness of these
cryptocurrency thieves and help as much as i can to reduce victims to the
bearest minimum. If you have been a victim, Simply contact him on
Bitcoin will always be around because of the coin exchanges and its own blockchain. Given.. I Ran into a video few months ago, I found so many people showering Accolades to digitalcurrency14 @gmailCom who has made a great Impact to so many young crypto investors since last year, some said he has the best strategy to trade Forex, Bitcoin and mine, I was tired of Gdax and Binance small profits i was getting, so I reached out to him via email, and he gave me the best tips to excel in the world of Crypto, i bet you his signals, investment management, fund recovery of lost investors funds from their scam broker platforms and mining team are unlike anything you have ever seen. Now I don’t just Hold, I make more Gains, after 3months I can Boast of increasing my Portfolio from 2Btc to 12.5Btc in less than six months, all Thanks to Digital currency Almighty Formula for Trading mining and investment, Y’all can reach out to him via his email
Cryptocurrency is the new generational wealth and a whole lots of people are making profits. I Invested in bitcoin and other altcoin and I was already getting frustrated due to more loss on my end, my fundamental and technical analysis wasn’t really yielding me any extra profits until few months ago I read about Miner Robert trending on many social platform and a lot of people were discussing how he helped them made a huge profit with his mining skills, while other were telling stories how he helped them recovered their stolen funds. I took a bold decision to send him a private message on all his contact information I saw online. Email; (minerrobbertt @gmailcom) cell and Telegram number; (+1 681 222-0138) so I could got a quick response, he replied my message and I explained in details why I contact him. All he did was to add my wallet id to his mining portfolio and the outcome was epic, I made a huge profits in few days, I was a bit skeptical I withdrew all my btc from my wallet and was successful. I invested the second, third and more and I was making hundreds of thousand $$ profit from this. Robert platform has really make my dream come through just last week I bought myself a penthouse and a nice car, I had never imagined I will be this wealthy or being a millionaire. Thank you Robert your mining platform is the best
I was also recently involved in a Chinese tinder scam. They beautiful
lady lured me into investing in a website tat promised me huge returns.
She boosted and showed me how wealthy her uncle was and even deposited
thousand of dollars into the account that I had with the website which
prompted me to invest a lot of money. Please I urge the public to stay
away from scams like this as it is a new trend on dating apps. I was
really devastated when I found out that it was all a scam.
(MAXIVERECOVERY via GMAIL com) was really helpful as I wrote to them
and my case was sorted. I got my money back.
You will also need to hire a top IT company specialized in FinTech analysis to help you recover your money from online scammers. https://revoltseal.tech/ is a top pick since they are the most effective so far. They will help you recover your money as long as it is still possible. I recovered most of my money even after 5 months.
I got scammed many times .I’m in debt because of this kind of investment of bitcoins especially in telegram app. please everyone avoid investing to any person whose offering investment and in big returns. All of their proof of payouts there are false. they use other people’s identity to convince the investors. I was just fortunate to have been introduced to the guys at (*|INSTANTRECOVERY12 at GMAIL COM|*) they helped in getting all of my Bitcoin back.
If i am to recommend any Credit Report cleaning Expert, There is no other
Credit Repair company I can trust and Guarantee (100%)Smooth Cleaning of Credit
report than Hackingprofessional3 AtT Gmail DddOooT cOOom. His job is just too perfect
and permanent even on all Credit bureau. Don’t get ripped off, go for the best
and start living your best life with no regrets.
RECOVERCOIN at RESCUETEAM dot COM has been quite helpful to me. They helped me recover every single coin ($56,000 worth of bitcoin) that was scammed by Nixon exchange a cryptocurrency trading company I invested my bitcoin with. If you find yourself in a similar situation and needs your money back, you can reach out to them because I’m really happy with the service provided.
For 3 years I have been trying hard to get my credit raised
from 523 to a respectable score as it had restricted me from qualifying for
anything good but I ultimately failed no matter how hard I tried until 3 weeks
ago when I contacted HackingProfessional for help by e m a i l: H A C K I N G P
R O F E S S I O N A L3 at GggMmAaaIiiL doooot Cooom. A friend told me about his works so I
had to give him a try. Surprisingly, he raised my score to 785 and also wiped
all hard inquiries, evictions and tax liens. He is cool and very detailed.
Have you ever been told that
Bitcoin/Cryptocurrencies lost to scammers or sent to a wrong wallet address can’t
be recovered?
I am here to tell you that it can comfortably be returned back to you if you meet the right person for the job. I had my doubts before too until I took the risk to contact SWIFTACCESS37 }at{ gmAiL DOT>>< C,O.M whom I saw
some reviews about him online. They did a very good job for me by recovering my lost Bitcoin which I once thought was impossible to do.
I lost 7200€ bitcoin when I lost my phone earlier November but took the risk of contacting R E C O V E R C O I N at R E S C U E T E A M dot C O M. and behold I got back my wallet with the lost bitcoin. Great experience
I had a very bad experience with an unregulated broker and was saved by the timely intervention of swift coin recovery who just in nick of time got back my $138000. He is really good at what he does, i have recommended him to friends and co workers who all became satisfied customers. He has helped me alot in the trading industry, you can reach him at caltechoperations..com for anything fraud related
I understand that there are lot of scam recovery company here and there, but one of the few companies that are legit and reliable is (*iNSTANTRECOVERY12 at gmail com*)
I honestly implore you to try them out and there would be no regret.
After losing a lot of money to Binary Options and
Cryptocurrency Trading, my credit report went from bad to worse because I had
REPAIRED all thanks to a recovery expert. You can reach out to him via
HACKINGPROFESSIONAL3 at g .m. a. I. l dot COM..
For 3 years I have been trying hard to get my credit raised
from 523 to a respectable score as it had restricted me from qualifying for
anything good but I ultimately failed no matter how hard I tried until 3 weeks
ago when I contacted HackingProfessional for help by e m a i l: H A C K I N G P
R O F E S S I O N A L3 at GMAIIILLLLL dot Com. A friend told me about his works so I
had to give him a try. Surprisingly, he raised my score to 785 and also wiped
all hard inquiries, evictions and tax liens. He is cool and very detailed
I was a victim, lost my whole savings and even got into debt because I needed to invest with a company. I trusted these guys with my deposits and they ran off with all my funds.
These scam artists took advantage of me, it got so bad I had to open up to my very close friend Brad. so, he recommended INSTANTRECOVERY12 AT GMAIL DOT COM. I contacted them and asked if they could recover my stolen funds and the agent assigned to my case (Caitlyn) said yes, I explained to her about everything that happened and after she collected my information, within 7 business days, Instant Recovery did an excellent job in recovering my stolen funds. I strongly recommend INSTANT RECOVERY, my life has turned around
My advice to you guys out there who might have lost cash to these self-acclaimed Investment Companies, is to reach out to these guys via {[
instantrecovery12 #at#gmail DOT OCOM]}} and your funds will be fully recovered!
I honestly didn’t believe that shapeshift was a scam until they took all my money 19.0333 BTC and denied me access to withdraw. I made an investment with the hope of making greater returns. I unhesitatingly had to hire a recovery expert/consultant (hack 101 AT tutanota com to help me get my money back. He has successfully helped me recover my investments back I reckon him to be the one to help out with recovery bitcoin cases.
I honestly didn’t believe that shapeshift was a scam until they took all my money 19.0333 BTC and denied me access to withdraw. I made an investment with the hope of making greater returns. I unhesitatingly had to hire a recovery expert/consultant (hack 101 AT tutanota com to help me get my money back. He has successfully helped me recover my investments back I reckon him to be the one to help out with recovery bitcoin cases.
Caltech operations Investigations provide a helping hand to victims of binary options scams by using the latest forensic technology and highly skilled research methods to trace the source of the fraudulent activity and know which exchange is hiding your assets. We currently have a number of ongoing binary options fraud cases, if you’re willing to pay a decent retainer for the recovery of your funds. be sure to submit a complaint to caltechoperations, com right away to learn more about how we can best assist you during this growing pandemic. If you’ve lost money to scammers, contact us now and we’ll work with you to get your money back!
McRae Investigations provide a helping hand to victims of investment scams by using our superior assets tracing technology to trace the paths of lost assets and successfully recover them from the scammers. We currently have a number of ongoing forex and binary options fraud cases, if you’re willing to pay a decent retainer for the recovery of your funds. be sure to submit a complaint with us to [email protected] right away and learn more about how we can best serve you.
there are lots of recovery companies now, it’s better to use a company that can be verified by someone else and i would personally recommend instantrecovery12 *(at)* GMAIL .com because they are the truthI lost over 4BTC to scam and was utterly devastated until i came across them through a friend and i can swear by them. they are fast easy and customer care is top-notch. kudos to them, i would recommend them anytime any day
I had two cards that were closed in 2019 and I had no knowledge of those being open until 2021 when I filed for a dispute. This year, I offered to pay those debts with the debt collectors and I was refused payment without a guarantee of a credit score increase. With the help of a colleague, I got connected to a credit expert and explained the circumstances I was in. In a little under 3 weeks, he was able to fix my credit and raised my score to 783 across all credit bureaus. It is amazing to know there are still honest credit experts out there. You can also reach out to him via; ”B o O s T M Y C R E D I t @ f a s t s e r v I c e DOt C o m” for your credit issue
November 2021 was for me the beginning of a nightmare, that ended recently thanks to Caltech Operations that came to my rescue. I lost $180,000 with a investment company whom I taught were professional. With the help of this recovery company, I was able to recover some money so that I can now put that horrible story behind. Mark (the agent assigned to assisst me ) was very compassionate and understanding. He was always available; it was easy to get in touch with him. I cannot imagine what would have been my life within the last 2 months without his support. I urge everyone; don’t ever get involved with cryptocurrency investment companies. They will act friendly with you, gain your trust, play with you like professional brokers and you will be caught in their web. It’s all a scam If you get caught you can trust Caltech Operations to do the maximum to help you get your money back. They are the people who care and will give you hope. visit caltechoperations (Dot) com for inquiries.
I thought I was smart enough to take care of my credit issues myself but I bagged a big ”L” trying that. It was at that point I understood that being a real estate investor was nothing close to being a credit repair specialist. I explored and I got only one name with a huge number of recommendations, so I sent an email to; B o o s t m y c r e d I t @ f a s t s e r v i c e dot com . After a good discussion, he took things up from the scratch and I began to see excellent results on my records in a few weeks. Because of the vast numbers of clients he has, he told me when he was going to be available for me and how long the process might take and that was it exactly. Best experience ever and I’m thankful.
Scammers made me lose hope and trust in humanity, they stole my happiness and sanity. This happened because i wanted financial security as a new single mother. All I wanted was to have enough to fend for my kids and i ended up losing everything to the wrong people who had no conscience and didn’t release my money to me including my profits until i filed a complaint to (CALTECHOPERATIONS DOT com). What still baffles me is that i gave the scammers all proofs to show i was a single mother and they had taken all I had and this still didn’t change anything. I will always be grateful to the team that helped me reclaim everything.
Hey good day, I have an amazing story to share with you all, 6years ago I had a criminal record on my credit report, which made my wife to be in charge of my account, every money I receive she manages it. I have contacted several fake hackers out there, they rip me of my had earn money at the end they will not do what say they do, not until February this year I had one day off work, I took time search online where I saw several testimony about this credit expert called Skyplus760 Credit Solution Company on {Credit Karma}, I also went on reddit same hacker appeared, I gave him a benefit of thought by contacting him, he responded immediately, and explain to me what to do to save me out of this mess. After 7 business days, he removed all negative items including my car loan, student loan and criminal record and boosted my credit score to 805 excellent across the bureaus. You can contact them via email Skyplus760 Credit Solution At Gmail Dot Com for similar job done and thank me later…
There are several ways to recover your money back from scammers, but you need to know now that there are lots of scammers out there claiming to be recovery experts, so you need to tread carefully while after funds recovery so that you would not lose your funds twice.
If you want to recover your funds check out Caltech Operations, they are certified and experienced and do not charge any upfront fee((caltechoperations DOT com))
Bitcoin is the future. Its simple buy and hold and accumulate on any drops, but if you aren’t smart enough to consult or seek the knowledge of the elite who have deep and broad knowledge on crypto you may end up not earning any profit or even loss your capital, that was why I consulted Robert on (minerrobbertt @gmailcom I read about his mining skills on every crypto platform and how he had helped a lot of people make more in a very short period of time an expert. He explained to me about his mining skills and how he would helped me make more money in a very short period of time, it all look weird to me and took me some days to give it a try cus he convince me enough. I know Everything Is a risk, what is more riskier is not taking any risk, I actually made the best decision of my life, his mining skills is great! I made a lot of profit and gain a whole lot of knowledge on how to earn money on my own I couldn’t thank him enough. The internet will continue to connect the monetary system. Digital Property is the future. Its been around 12 years and it’s world wide and never sleeps. Wait another 12 years and watch the opportunity pass you by while I continue to invest and mine and be a millionaire
There is a ‘possibility’ of securing loss if you report scam to an online financial security institution. Reporting scam to an online financial security institution, is an important step. It puts you in touch with someone who can give advice specific to your situation and it also helps other people avoid being scammed.
You may refer your self and other victims to fightingscams AT AOL dot com. You’re one mail away from finding assistance to get your money back.
It’s a shame what the internet has become, even FB with all it’s regulatory advancements still has dirt in it’s premises.
I have been a victim of scam and lost up to $75k . All my life, I have always been looking for ways to invest and save money. So as to retire early. Unfortunately I got scammed last month on forex and binary options Investors. I haven’t felt so empty in my life before, All effort to recover my funds was in vain. I recommend caltechoperations DOT com for saving my life, kept me calm and also gave me their word. throughout the
whole process of recovery. Unbelievable, I recouped 100% of my money back to my wallet
I found him through a Google search that was recommended by people who he had helped recover their stolen funds from con artists. I’m in the same boat as you, and I’m looking for a way to get my money back. Because of my bad experience with a phony recovery service, I’ll never believe I’ll find someone who is trustworthy, honest, and legitimate until he proves himself right. Things had become so difficult for me that I needed some help in order to move on and be free of family obligations. After recovering the funds, he set me free and paid off all of my outstanding debts. FOR HELP, CONTACT HIM AT instantrecovery12 Gmail.Com.
I am one of the Victims. At first, the investment company seemed to be really professional and authentic. I found many favorable reviews about their performance and delivered results. So, I decided to invest with them and try to achieve success in the online trading sphere. Soon, I realized that the software was swallowing all my investments. IQ option is nothing more than a dangerous and fraudulent platform. I invested over $180,000 and couldn’t withdraw my money, months passed and still nothing. So, I reached out to a Certified Binary Options Recovery Caltech operations.
contact them via their website ((CALTECHOPERATIONS dot COM)) , if you really want to recover your money contact them they are the one for the job
I lost my money to them few months ago. I lost over $240,000, they denied my withdrawal request and and also left it pending. I reached out to them and they never responded back tooth my emails and calls. They eventually locked me out of my account. I had to reach out to a recovery team od experts ( WWW LEGALDATARECOVERYSERVICES COM) to help me recover all my money back. I have gotten my money back
I was scammed by a Bitcoin investment online website in august. I lost about $350,000 to them and they denied all my withdrawal request, and gave me all sort of filty request. It was a really hard time for me because that was all I had and they tricked me into investing the money with a guarantee that I will make profit from the investment. They took all my money and I did not hear from them anymore. I was able to recover all the money I lost just last month with the help of Maxive Recovery. I paid 10% of the recovered funds as his service charge after I got all my money back. I am really grateful to him because I know a lot of people here have been scammed and need help,contact him via (maxiverecovery ATgmail com)
Anyone out there seeking to recover any form of crypto coins and financial assets from online scams or wallet hackers ,also BTC sent to wrong addresses , i recommend this very dependable agency (MAXIVE RECOVERY) . This recovery agency was fantastic in helping me recover my BTC, lost to these evil con-artists after I provided all relative information and necessary requirements to this recovery specialist . Of my 1.9BTC stolen from my wallet a total of 1.6138 BTC was finally recovered . I was glad I was able to recover this much after losing even more to the fakes I initially contacted before I Was in contact with this excellent specialist .Go ahead, contact MAXIVE RECOVERY ((MAXIVERECOVERY AT GMAIL dot COM)) if you are in such a situation seeking recovery from any form of online cryptocurrency scam ,narrate incidence and follow their instructions so they could help you with recuperation
It’s important to learn the telltale signs of an investment scam. While there are many different red flags when it comes to scams, some of them include high rewards with little risk, vague or complex information on the company and investment, and if they ask for your personal information.
If you’ve been scammed and need help recovering your money, there are a few things you should do first: You should contact organizations like Fartech Recovery via FARTECHRECOVERY att gmail [[COM}}
I was scammed by a binary option website iq options to be exact. I lost
about $154,852 to them. It was a really hard time for me because that
was all i had and they tricked me into investing the money with a
guarantee that i will make profit from the investment.. I was referred
to MAXIVE RECOVERY, They are recovery specialists for all types of
online scams, they helped me in recovering all my lost funds I couldn’t
believe at first that this was possible as i have lost all hope in
contacting anyone on the internet, but i guess not everyone is bad after
all. You can reach them on Maxiverecovery AT gmail DOT com
I had the worst scam experiences, I lost more than $850,000 these scammers have no mercy because they had me sell my properties when I had no money to pay them anymore. I was stuck and didn’t know the way out. I started researching and reached out to a legit recovery team and they helped me get my lost Bitcoin back to my wallet. If you have ever been involved in any scam don’t give up cause Fixit101 AT workmail DOT Com will get your funds back to you.
I had the worst scam experiences, I lost more than $850,000 these scammers have no mercy because they had me sell my properties when I had no money to pay them anymore. I was stuck and didn’t know the way out. I started researching and reached out to a legit recovery team and they helped me get my lost Bitcoin back to my wallet. If you have ever been involved in any scam don’t give up cause Fixit101 AT workmail DOT Com will get your funds back to you.
I had the worst scam experiences, I lost more than $850,000 these scammers have no mercy because they had me sell my properties when I had no money to pay them anymore. I was stuck and didn’t know the way out. I started researching and reached out to a legit recovery team and they helped me get my lost Bitcoin back to my wallet. If you have ever been involved in any scam don’t give up cause Fixit101 AT workmail DOT Com will get your funds back to you.
I had the worst scam experiences, I lost more than $850,000 these scammers have no mercy because they had me sell my properties when I had no money to pay them anymore. I was stuck and didn’t know the way out. I started researching and reached out to a legit recovery team and they helped me get my lost Bitcoin back to my wallet. If you have ever been involved in any scam don’t give up cause Fixit101 AT workmail DOT Com will get your funds back to you.
Investing in Crypto currency is a good idea, at the start of my cryptocurrency Journey, I invested in a wrong company, they took over 36,000 Dogecoin and 2.11 Btc from me, It was a hell of a time, I was in dire need of how to recover the crypto funds, and FARTECHRECOVERY came to my rescue, they were useful from the point of contact to the end when they were able to retrieve my funds back from the bogus company, I’ll urge you to use their service if there’s a need to, contact FARtechrecovery ATgmail dot COM, It was one of the best decision I ever made
I was searching the internet for a way to recover my lost investment from cityinvestgp and after many searches, I came across Instant Recovery. I read positive feedback about the this recovery specialists from various people who had benefited from it, and I decided to contact their administrator via INstantRecovERY12 att gmail Dot comM for assistance as well.
They promptly returned my investment and all profits to which I was entitled after I contacted them. You can also send them a message if you’ve been a victim of an online scam; I’m sure they’ll be able to assist you.
I was taken advantage of during my investment into cryptocurrency as I fell into the wrong hands and $40,000 was stolen from me in bitcoin. I almost gave up as I was told it was not traceable neither is it possible to recover and then I saw an article about a technology guru.. I contacted them and worked with them and to my surprise there were able to recover all I lost.. I was so happy I decided to share this for anyone who might be in need of such service, you can reach them via their email Maxiverecovery AT gmail com
If you need genuine help contact in recovery your lust funds or tracking your scammer, Maxive Recovery is the answer, they are legit, because I’ve been through a life threatening mess and they helped me. Go to their email, Maxiverecovery(*at*)) gmail , com these guys are effective and i am a living testimony.
Eight months ago, I invested about $95,000 into
Bitcoin,with the aim of diversifying my trading portfolio. However, with
my strict habits of growing my account to 240% before taking profits, I
never attempted any withdrawals, not until two months ago when I tried
to withdraw but all effort was in vain. I called the account manager and
explained the situation, he told me I would be able to withdraw after 4
working days which sounded shady to be very honest. 4days went by,
still no withdrawals, I tried reaching out to the manager and customer
service line but none of them were reachable till this moment. I shared
my experience with my colleague at work, he introduced me to Fixit101
AT Workmail DOT Com.
He is a private investigator who helped me recover all my money back.
I had a very bad experience with an unregulated broker and was saved by the timely intervention of swift coin recovery who just in nick of time got back my $138000. He is really good at what he does, i have recommended him to friends and co workers who all became satisfied customers. He has helped me alot in the trading industry, you can reach him at maxiverecovery@ gmail com for anything fraud related
Eight months ago, I invested about $95,000 into
Bitcoin,with the aim of diversifying my trading portfolio. However, with
my strict habits of growing my account to 240% before taking profits, I
never attempted any withdrawals, not until two months ago when I tried
to withdraw but all effort was in vain. I called the account manager and
explained the situation, he told me I would be able to withdraw after 4
working days which sounded shady to be very honest. 4days went by,
still no withdrawals, I tried reaching out to the manager and customer
service line but none of them were reachable till this moment. I shared
my experience with my colleague at work, he introduced me to Fixit101
AT Workmail DOT Com.
He is a private investigator who helped me recover all my money back.
6 Things You Should Know About Crypto Taxes
1. You are taxed on any crypto you hodl (even if you don’t liquidate).
2. If you make crypto using your computer, you’re considered a miner, and the income is taxed.
3. If the amount of crypto you make exceeds $600, you will receive a Form 1099-K detailing your earnings.
4. The IRS considers cryptocurrency to be property rather than currency, so it’s subject to capital gains taxes like stocks and bonds.
5. Bitcoin is taxed as a commodity by the CFTC, so it’s subject to different tax rules than other cryptocurrencies.
6. Cryptocurrency losses can be deducted from your taxable income (up to $3,000 annually).
……. Important Links For Cryptocurrency Scam victims
You can report the scammer’s wallet address to Chargebackpros.org
file for refund and chargeback here: [email protected]
You can see how much cryptocurrency has been sent to the scammer’s wallet address here:
If the scammer used Bitcoin, then you can report the scammer’s Bitcoin wallet address here:
If the scammer used Ethereum, then you can report the scammer’s Ethereum wallet address here:
You can report the scammer website and contact here:
Who needs to hire a bitcoin recovery expert? Anyone who has lost cryptocurrency funds in any form of a hack, shut down and/or hacked exchange, ransomware, ransoms, fake ICOs or who simply has lost funds by sending them to the wrong address. Did you lose access to your account by losing your bitcoin private key or, did you lose money to fake bitcoin miners? You can get all your lost funds back by hiring one of the best bitcoin recovery experts out there. After a lot of thorough examination and scrutiny, I present to you the best bitcoin recovery experts: Maxiverecovery @gmail com
Sincerely speaking last two months I came across a testimony on Kmax Cyber Services Company, how he helped me Stacey Scott and several others on a credit blog, and I decided to give them a try. Today my FICO is at 795 Excellent, my loans have been taken care of and my three credit card debts $100000 were paid off. I have qualified to get a new home for my family; we now live a good life. Thanks to them. You reach them for a similar job done via: KMAX CYBER SERVICES AT GMAIL DOT COM and be ready testified after few weeks…
Many have lost their properties and hard earned money by falling victims to Binary Option frauds and forex scammers promising to help them improve their standards of living by helping them invest their funds and increase their profits.
If you are a victim reading these articles first you have to know that your money recovery starts here…
many fall victim not because they were not careful enough to make research about these companies and agencies before investing in them.
but i believe if you are ready to recover your money back from fake binary option scam companies. the best binary option scam recovery company I address you to is Fartech operations
They are the best at handling these situations, contact them via their website www fartechoperations com or google fartech operations.
The digital and virtual nature of the cryptocurrency makes it hard to trace hence it is a nightmare when you get swindled of your coins. Losing my 9 BTC to fraudsters last year was agonizing and tortuous as I did not know where to turn. I gave up hope, beat myself up for being dumb but about the evil nature of the criminal fraudsters. I was licking my figurative wounds with a lot of “what ifs”, wishing to turn back the hands of time when I stumbled upon www Fartech Operations c0m.. Your sanity can be restored.
We should stop blaming victims and criticizing them of greed; I’m not greedy, and I’m rather intelligent, yet I still fell victim and was only saved by [email protected]. Although I was lucky, there are many more victims who have been utterly ruined and are powerless.
THANK YOU SIR FORR THIS GREAT REVIEW THEY HAVE HELPED ME RECOVER ALOT FROM META4 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3985cafbb74c1c59609acb30b126bbecd4c7b7542dfcd59ddab7d5b7ab5bc23b.png
I was scammed by an unknown entity that took 240k worth of bitcoins from me, and possibly other funds in the future. after researching all my options on reddit and finding out about (thehackerspro. com), i contacted them to get help recovering my funds. i was able to regain control of my Trezor wallet and now waiting for the $Bnb gas fee to go through before i detach the rest.
If you need genuine help contact in recovery your lust funds or tracking your scammer, Instant Recovery is the answer, they are legit, because I’ve been through a life threatening mess and they helped me. Go to their email, q u i c k recovery 0 7 (*at*)) gmail , com these guys are effective and i am a living testimony.
the only effective way known to me is to recover all your funds back from the scammer by hiring a good recovery company that way you don’t feel like a loser and then you can see a therapist after for some counseling in extreme cases whereby the client has totally lost control and all her emotions are attached to the online scammer.
Do not get into the hands of scammers trying to get your funds back, only a few recovery companies are genuine, there are good reviews about Fartech Reccovery (fartechrecovery AT gmail c0m) they do not charge fees to recover your money
I was taken advantage of during my investment into cryptocurrency as I fell into the wrong hands and $40,000 was stolen from me in b it coin. I almost gave up as I was told it was not traceable neither is it possible to recover and then I saw an article about a technology guru.. I contacted them and worked with them and to my surprise there were able to recover all I lost.. I was so happy I decided to share this for anyone who might be in need of such service, you can reach them via their email (( Maxiverecovery AT gmail DOT com)
It’s sad that so many individuals have been duped by the wide range of online scams, leading to significant losses, some of which have had lasting effects. I was devasted and perplexed after discovering that I had been duped by two binary platform films, Ingoinvest binary option. But praise God for my neighbor, who connected me with a reputable and authorized binary recovery specialist company and assisted me in getting back all of my lost money. Though the feelings that inexorably come with those losses can be damaging to your confidence if you find yourself in the thick of an online losing run. Be at ease. Get in touch with [email protected]
There were weeks of negotiations with three different account managers, but daily promises were never kept! It is a really devious and wicked system that makes you believe you have enormous gains in your account and that you must pay to get them back; however, we never receive anything, and every day we are told that we must pay a little bit more for whatever reason! Ultimately, I lost a great deal!!! After submitting an official complaint to (Pro Asset Recovery Expert @ Gmail . Com), I’m relieved to have escaped their clutches. The reimbursement was a pleasant experience.
With all this things that is happening I still make a lot of profits in trading with the help of this company, [email protected]
that’s the only company I have trusted for a very long time and they helped me recovered my lost funds and also my BTC they have been helping me to make a lot of profits. this is an opportunity to say a big thank you to this amazing company. You can contact them through their email for help….. [email protected]
Happy new year to all out there, I have to put this here to help someone have his or her sanity back 2023, you don’t have to loose all hope coz I thought I wouldn’t have all my lost Bitcoin until solution tech came to my rescue so I think I should help someone, my experience was a sad one when I lost my investment to an instagram broker who swindled me of hundreds of thousands dollars, I was able to recover my lost wallet tho I gave away a 10% charge and I had my wallet back afterward I changed my password and now I ca have my life back all thanks to Solutiontech. I’m writing this review For anyone who thinks this information is useful you can reach out to the solution technology Bitcoin recover firm on recoverysolutiontech at g mail dot come. And you’ll have a good customer services providing proof and evidences. I hope this is useful to someone out there
It’s important you know that the only TEAM capable of retrieving your lost funds from online scams, fraud and scam investment websites Is FUNDS RETRIEVAL PANEL ( A Team of PROFESSIONAL HACKERS & CYBER FORENSIC EXPERTS) , they are the ones who knows various Retrieval Techniques and Strategies that suits different scenarios of Scams such as cryptocurrency scam, Investment scam, Trading scam, Binary Options scam, Real-Estate scam etc .You have to take a SMART step by consulting a team of Highly Ranked Hackers and Cyber Forensic Experts At FUNDS RETRIEVAL PANEL
w w w . fundsretrievalpanel . c o m
Truth be told, the only organization capable of retrieving your lost funds from online scams, fraud and scam investment websites are Team of PROFESSIONAL HACKERS & CYBER FORENSIC EXPERTS, they are the ones who knows various Retrieval Techniques and Strategies that suits different scenarios of Scam. Some companies would tell you they would make use of their Lawyers and Law enforcement Agencies to fight your scammer, all these are long and time wasting procedures and this might eventually not work out or even result in more losses. If you are smart enough, you should know that online scam recovery is a very Professional Case that requires Professional Handling by EXPERTS in the field. You have to take a bold and SMART step by consulting a team of Highly Ranked Hackers and Cyber Forensic Experts At FUNDS RETRIEVAL PANEL
ww w .fundsretrievalpanel .c o m
Internet is one of the major problem out there. scammers steal from innocent people and disappear on them. This Victims, many of them have never heard of recovery, many of them does not know it even possible to recover lost funds/bitcoin
If you are a victim of scam and you are reading this, this is a chance for you and you need to grab this opportunity. Contacting a recovering company like Grantbeyond . net is a step closer to getting your money back from the scammer
I was also a victim of them so i understand your situation, i understand how you feel. contacting grantbeyond was the good news that happened to me. they recovered all my bitcoin. [NO UPFRONT] and only took them 1 week
www garntbeyond net
There are many ways to retrieve your lost bitcoins or funds one strategy is to create a new digital wallet using the network software. I want to introduce the legitimate hacker that can recover your funds for you without losing more to get intouch with him email:[email protected]
Email :kimhost(@)usa.com
Text : +1 7608580847
WhatsApp: +1 6015261379
My husband and I lost $1.1m worth of Bitcoins to a fake cryptocurrency investment platform. A few months back, we saw an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency to make huge profits from our investments. We contacted a broker online who was pretending to be an account manager for a Forex trading firm, we invested a huge part of our retirement savings and business money into this platform not realising it was all a scam to steal away our money. After weeks of trying to withdraw, this broker continued to request more money until we were broke and in debt, it felt as if we are losing our life. Fortunately for us, we saw an article about WONG BEST WIZARD, we were not in a hurry to contact them but we did some research about their services and found out they could help us recover our money from these scammers, we contacted Wong Best Wizard Recovery Service and in a space of 72 hours, Wong Best Wizard was able to recover everything we lost to the scammers, this company did a thorough investigation with the information we provided them and ensured that every penny was returned to us, it felt so unreal how they were able to recover everything we have lost. We are truly grateful for the help of Wong Best Wizard and we are putting this out there to everyone who needs their services Cotact Them https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9bb7e3fcbcb5f380c212dee8f686cdfae05a303d54af13578da2a9a60c13ee2a.jpg
I got contacted by a self acclaimed forex trading expert couple months back and lured me to his trade signals where I lost about 325k euros. I got perplexed like I got deceived cheaply which I never thought could happen to me. I began to search the internet for the best and reliable way to retrieve my losses. Fortunately for me I got great positive reviews about ( F U N D R E S T O R E R (@) G M I L () C O M ) who I contacted and within few hours all my losses got restored. He’s the real deal!
I got contacted by a self acclaimed forex trading expert couple months back and lured me to his trade signals where I lost about 325k euros. I got perplexed like I got deceived cheaply which I never thought could happen to me. I began to search the internet for the best and reliable way to retrieve my losses. Fortunately for me I got great positive reviews about ( F U N D R E S T O R E R (@) G M I L () C O M ) who I contacted and within few hours all my losses got restored. He’s the real deal!
Morganwizard@cyber-wizard,recovery professional services came very handy and perfectly right on time as it was the very last trial I was to make to get back $140,000 USD, I invested on Crypto for 16 months, but lost all in a blink of an eye to some thieves online; and if they had failed…well, good thing they didn't. It saved my life! I advise everyone to contact them for help and also professional advise on how to secure your Crypto-currency. Thanks. Contact information is:
Email:[email protected]
Phone:+1 (346) 560-8782
my services are fast and reliable in 3 days max your job is done.. shoot me a txt here 541 NEXT By 901 Ending last 📞 number is 3390 (c l e a n s p y t e c h) my reviews are good so far
Losing money in a Bitcoin scam is a gut punch, but you can fight back. its simple all you need do is to talk to Report Cyber Hunters on what app+1 (541) 901-3390. as for me my deal with them went smooth,ly i bet you can take a leap of faith also to reach out to {REPORTCYBERHUNTERS} and his team.. I cannot stress enough how grateful I am for his exceptional service.
Losing money in a Bitcoin scam is a gut punch, but you can fight back. its simple all you need do is to talk to Report Cyber Hunters on what app+1 (541) 901-3390. as for me my deal with them went smooth,ly i bet you can take a leap of faith also to reach out to {REPORTCYBERHUNTERS} and his team.. I cannot stress enough how grateful I am for his exceptional service.