Executive Summary
As financial planning for clients grows more and more complex, it becomes increasingly difficult for planners to recognize every planning issue, opportunity, and concern from memory alone. As a result, there is an rising risk that planners commit malpractice and make a mistake - albeit by accident - in the struggle of trying to apply everything they have learned to an incredibly wide range of client situations.
However, the reality is that this challenge is not unique to financial planning. Many professions face a similar struggle, where the sheer amount of knowledge required, and the incredible number of client/customer/patient situations make it almost impossible to remember everything that's necessary at the exact time it's needed, mean a rising risk of mistakes, negligence, and ineptitude.
So what's the solution to address this challenge? As it turns out, there's a remarkably simple one: checklists. While it may seem absurd that such a basic device could enhance client outcomes - in fact, as professionals we often bristle at the thought that a checklist could tell us something we don't already know - it turns out that checklists may be an excellent means to deal with the simple fact that we are all fallible humans.
Unfortunately, though, few checklists currently exist in the world of financial planning, especially outside of the operational aspects of an advisory firm. Nonetheless, it is perhaps time to give checklists the recognition they deserve, as a potentially critical step to ensure that we apply the proper due diligence to each and every complex financial planning situation, and that nothing accidentally slips through the cracks.
The inspiration for today's blog post is the book "Checklist Manifesto" by Atul Gawande, a doctor who was the primary driver behind the World Health Organization's "Safe Surgery Checklist" and who makes a compelling case that checklists should probably be adopted more broadly in all industries and professional services - including financial planning - as a way to deal with the incredible complexity that we face as practitioners.
Ignorance Vs Ineptitude
It's important to recognize that in many situations, professionals fail simply because the task at hand was beyond saving; we may have tremendous intelligence and technology available to us, but we are not omniscient or all-powerful, and some fallibility is inevitable. However, Gawande notes research by Gorovitz and MacIntyre who find in the medical context that in situations where success or failure is within our control, there are two primary drivers that lead to failure: ignorance, and ineptitude.
Ignorance has been the driving force for failure for most of medical history. Up until just the past few decades, we simply didn't know what the true causes were for many diseases and maladies, much less how to treat them or fix the underlying causes. For instance, Gawande notes that as recent as the 1950s, we still had no idea what actually caused heart attacks or how to treat them, and even if we'd been aware of contributing factors like high blood pressure, we wouldn't have known how to treat that, either. If someone had a heart attack and died at the time, it was our collective ignorance of the underlying problems that led to the "failure" to save the patient.
By contrast, in today's environment, we have developed numerous drugs to treat high blood pressure, as well as heart attacks themselves. We "know" how to fix an astonishing range of maladies. If an ineffective (or even harmful) treatment is applied now, we don't simply let the professional off the hook on the basis of "well, we didn't really know what to do, anyway." In other words, our collective ignorance of how to treat a problem is often no longer an acceptable answer when there is an unfortunate outcome; instead, a failure of the professional is an "error" and a sign of ineptitude.
Of course, the caveat is that many of the professional situations today are of a highly complex nature. While we might understand far more about the body and how to treat it than in the past, it is still remarkably complex, and many "failures" of a medical practitioner still walk a fine line between ignorance, ineptitude, and a situation that was never really able to be saved in the first place. As a result, Gawande notes that we're more likely to address such situations by encouraging more training and experience for the practitioner, rather than to punish failure, as long as outright negligence was not involved. Unfortunately, though, it's not clear if more experience and training alone are necessarily sufficient; as our knowledge increases, so too does the complexity of applying it correctly, to the point where we may be reaching our human capacity to apply such a depth of knowledge to such a breadth of situations in a consistent manner. We are still only human ourselves, after all.
Managing Through Complexity With Checklists
So what's the best way to manage through such an incredible depth of complexity? Gawande notes that the World Health Organization's classification of diseases now categorizes more than 13,000 ailments, and one study of 41,000 trauma patients in Pennsylvania found that doctors had to contend with 1,224 different injury-related diagnoses in 32,261 unique combinations. To say the least, the difficulty of providing 32,261 different diagnoses in 32,261 different situations is a challenge of enormous complexity for the human brain. So what's the solution? Checklists, to at least ensure the big things don't slip through the cracks.
Initially, Gawande notes that the idea of checklists was soundly rejected in the medical world. Given the complexity of the problems involved, how could a single checklist or a series of them possibly have much of an impact? Yet it turns out that even relatively routine checklists can have a remarkably material effect, for the simple reason that as human beings, we don't always remember to do every single step in a process the exact same way every time, especially when most of the time it doesn't really matter. For instance, one early study applying a simple checklist to implant a central line (a catheter placed into a large vein to deliver important medication) to patients: 1) wash hands; 2) clean patient's skin; 3) put sterile drapes over patient; 4) wear mask, hat, gown, and gloves; and 5) put sterile dressing over insertion site after completion - was found to drop an 11% infection rate down to nearly 0%. It turned out, the doctors were mostly consistent in executing all of the steps, but they occasionally skipped a step for any number of accidental or well-intentioned reasons; nonetheless, being accountable to a simple checklist eliminated virtually all the complications, for what was actually a very simple series of steps. That doesn't mean patients didn't still have complex health problems, difficult diagnoses, and adverse outcomes; nonetheless, over a two year span, the initial study estimated that in one hospital alone, the checklist had prevented 43 infections, 8 deaths, and saved $2 million dollars!
And notably, the application of checklists is already widespread in other professional contexts. They are a staple of the airline industry, ensuring that even well-trained pilots never miss a single step in the proper execution of flying the plane; notably, such checklists include important guidance about how to quickly handle a wide range of emergency situations where, even if the pilots are trained, it may be difficult to recall, unassisted, the exact proper steps to execute in the heat of a high-stress moment with adrenaline rushing. Similarly, the construction industry also relies heavily on checklists to ensure that buildings are made properly, and that crucial steps aren't missed that could result in an utter catastrophe. In addition, Gawande points out that an important ancillary benefit of using checklists in such situations is that, when the checklist requires duties of multiple individuals - and everyone is held accountable to ensure all steps of the checklist are completed - teams end out communicating better, which prevents even more unfavorable outcomes.
Creating Your Financial Planning Checklists
Granted, in the financial planning world, the client situations that present themselves are rarely as dire as landing a plane in an emergency or determining what drugs to administer to a patient who may die in minutes or hours if not properly treated. Nonetheless, the fundamental problem remains: financial planning for individuals with a nearly infinite range of situations entails tremendous complexity, to the point where it's not clear if anyone could really remember every possible question to ask or step to take; at least, not without the assistance of a financial planning checklist.
One version of a quasi-checklist that financial planners already use is the data gathering form, which through its wide range of blanks to fill in amongst various categories, ensures a fairly thorough review of all the client's potential financial concerns. If you don't think checklists can be useful, imagine how effective your financial planning process would be if you had to remember, off the top of your head, to ask every question necessary to capture every single bit of information that's requested on a thorough data-gathering form. Even those who begin using an agenda to guide client meetings often report they help - as a form of checklist - to ensure that all the key issues are covered in the meeting, and that nothing is overlooked in the midst of a potentially complex client conversation.
Similarly, many technical areas in financial planning require not only specialized knowledge, but an awareness of rare-but-potential circumstances that may arise that provide for unique planning opportunities. For instance, with respect to Social Security alone, how often do you ask an unmarried client over the age of 62 if he/she had a former marriage that lasted at least 10 years (potential divorced spouse benefits), or ask retirees over age 62 if there are they still have any children under the age of 18 (extra retirement benefits for children), or ask if the client had a prior (or current) job where he/she did not participate in the Social Security system (future retirement benefits potentially reduced under the Windfall Elimination Provision). While none of these situations are necessarily common, they do occur from time to time - frequent enough to matter, but not frequent enough to necessarily remember to ask every time. The same is true in a wide range of other planning situations, from whether the beneficiary of an inherited IRA might be eligible for an Income In Respect Of A Decedent deduction, to whether a non-qualified annuity was originally funded via a 1035 exchange (which means the cost basis is not merely the premiums paid), to whether a term insurance policy is still convertible (or ever was).
In other words, having a financial planning checklist in each of the various areas of financial planning can serve as a type of "due diligence" process, to ensure that all the important planning issues and opportunities are covered. It doesn't make the planner smarter or more skilled, but does help to ensure that the planner maximizes the knowledge and skill he/she already has. Arguably, at some point in the future, these might even be codified into a more extensive series of Practice Standards for financial planners - as in the case of doctors, this can ultimately help to distinguish between situations where an unfavorable outcome was due to an error or "ineptitude" mistake of the planner, or was simply a situation too complex to possibly be saved. In practice, effective due diligence checklists might also be integrated into a firm's CRM software.
Unfortunately, though, the greatest challenge is simply that we need to build our financial planning checklists - a challenging and time-intensive process. Yet perhaps this is an opportunity for the financial planning community to band together and build something collectively. Have you built any checklists in your firm that you would be willing to share? Would you volunteer time and effort to try to help create a series of financial planning checklists for all practitioners to use? Please respond in the comments if you're interested, and perhaps we can begin this process together. In the meantime, though, it would probably be a good idea to start building some checklists for the most common challenges that arise in your own financial planning firm!
And if you're still not convinced of the value of a financial planning checklist (or having a series of them!), I'd strongly encourage you to read "Checklist Manifesto" yourself; if you are convinced, you may also find the book provides helpful inspiration on the kinds of checklists that may be useful in your practice and with your clients.
In today’s heavily regulated world, it is essential to have check lists in our industry. The regulator insists on so many steps to be followed when advising a client that it is vital that you have some record to prove everything has been followed.
In client meetings, I have been using a meeting agenda for the last year and now I couldn’t do without one. They keep you focused and cut the times of meetings. In financial planning meetings, where there is so much going on, an agenda is a great reminder to talk about crucial matters that are easy to forget, such as the assumptions used.
I adopted a planning checklist in 1994 following exposure to planners in Texas providing workshops to increase client trust and referrals. Although modified over the years, I would not want to return to other methods of acquiring information and a depth of understanding from clients. Lists made a significant difference for my practice.
Excellent post, and excellent point Michael.
In a former life I was a submariner, and in that high risk world of complex machinery and systems we still needed simple checklists to ensure that we minimised the risks of error. They are an essential safety mechanism, which is of course why so many dangerous occupations (e.g. military, airline pilots, medicine) continue to use them to this day.
Humans are fallible…they get tired..they get distracted…checklists ensure you do not miss essential steps.
In financial planning the consequences of getting it wrong may not be fatalities, but they can be severe nonetheless.
Any professional should be using checklists to ensure the risk of human error is eradicated wherever possible.
I’d be interested in helping create these checklists.
I have been trying to adopt financial planning checklists, but as you touched on — it is a very time intensive and challenging task! I would be more than happy to help create the checklists! I just received an FPA discussion feed this morning that a group of planners wanted to accomplish this exact task as well. It is on everyone’s mind! Thanks Michael for all the great posts!
I think the discussion you’re referring to is the All Member Open Forum under Connections–>Communities–>Member Created Communities. There are active members working on developing timelines for various age groups, utilizing checklists. Any FPA member with interest is welcome to join!
Thanks for bringing this important topic to the attention of planners, Michael.
Thanks Michael! Indeed is an important discussion.
Helpful posts.
I have also been using meeting agenda’s for years and have found it to be very effective. In addition, I often send a follow up letter or email summarizing the important meeting points as well as action steps. So the letter not only serves my client but also provides a written reminder of what needs to be done by me as well as the client and prevents things from slipping through the cracks.
We use a 46-point financial planning checklist that I am willing to share. Information gathered is used to develop an investment policy statement for each client. Both are very helpful over the life the relationship.
I would love to see your checklist if you wouldn’t mind emailing me a copy.
Thanks so much for offering. I have a list, but it is much shorter and I can see that it could be much more comprehensive.
Please email a copy of the checklist. [email protected]
Thank you.
I would also appreciate a copy of your checklist. Thanks in advance.
Please send me the checklist you folks use, Mary. I’ll post it to the FPA team and integrate it into the FPA effort to initiate checklists for planners. My email is [email protected]
I would love to see the checklist Mary
Thanks for the kind offer to share Mary. I would appreciate it as well when you have a chance.
If you are still sharing, I would like to see a copy of your checklist as well. Please email to [email protected]
I would also appreciate a copy of the 46pt Checklist – my email is [email protected].
Hi Mary, could you please send me the checklist also?
Thank you in advance.
Hello Mary, Would you email me the checklist? [email protected]
Thank you!
Hi Mary, I would love to take a look at this checklist – would you mind sending a copy over to [email protected]? Thanks!
Hi Mary;
If you would be willing to share your checklist, will you please email a copy to [email protected]?
Thanks in advance!
Mary, I would love to have a copy of your checklist if you’re still making them available.
[email protected]
Hi Mary – Is it still possible to get a copy of your checklist? If yes, could you please send me a copy at [email protected]. Thank you!
May I have a copy of the checklist: [email protected]
Hi Mary, if you are still willing – can I get a copy too [email protected] Thanks!
Hi Mary, If it’s still possible, can I get a copy of your checklist too? My email is [email protected]
Mary we are developing a checklist as well. If you are still sharing yours I will provide you a copy of ours once it is completed. Thank you for sharing.
[email protected]
Mary, could you email the checklist your firm uses? [email protected] Thank you!
Mary, if it is not too late, please email me a copy of your 46-point financial planning checklist. Thank you very much. [email protected]
Mary- could you please e-mail me the checklist as well? [email protected]
Mary – If possible, I would love a copy of your checklist. thank you. [email protected]
Mary, thanks for the offer to share. [email protected]
if you are still willing to share……
[email protected]
checklist please….
[email protected]
Hi Mary, thank you for sharing! Would you be able to send the checklist to [email protected]? Thanks so much in advance!
Can you please share your checklist with me? [email protected].
Thank you!
Can you please share your checklist with me? [email protected]
Mary is it possible for you to share the checklist with me? Thanks in advance! My email [email protected]
Please Email it to [email protected]
Hello Mary – would you email your checklist to me at [email protected] if you are still doing so? Thank you for your willingness to share this. I have been using an internal plan prep checklist for years; however, I think it has grown stale. Appreciate it.
Hi Mary, I’d love copy of checklist. Please send to [email protected]. Many thanks!
Hi Mary,
I would like to see your checklist. I use a standard data collection sheet from forfield and reduce it as necessary. Many thanks for sharing.
[email protected]
Malcolm Warneford-Thomson CFP
Mary – if you can send me a checklist it would be greatly appreciated as we’re currently reviewing ours. Thank you! Greg – [email protected]
Mary, thanks for the kind offer. If you are still sharing, please email me a copy at [email protected]. Thanks.
Mary, Thank you for your kind offer. Please email me your checklist at [email protected].
Hi Mary, I would appreciate a copy of your checklist. Thanks, for sharing. [email protected]
Mary, I would love a copy of the checklist also. My email address is [email protected]
Hi Mary – if you are still willing to send it out, I would love a copy of your checklist. Please email me at [email protected]. Thanks!
Hi Mary – if you are still sharing I would appreciate a copy of your checklist. My email address is [email protected]. Thanks!
Hey Mary,
I would love a copy if the offer still stands. My email is [email protected].
Hello Mary,
I know you posted this comment 2 years ago, but if you’re still there, could you send me the checklist? My email is [email protected]. Thanks!
Hello Mary, Thanks for sharing your checklist, My email address is mike,[email protected], Kudos to you,
Hi Mary. I would love a copy of the checklist if you are still willing to share. My email address is [email protected]. Thanks a bunch.
Mary, I’d love a copy of the checklist
[email protected]
Hello Mary. May I get a copy of your checklist please? Alan at [email protected]
Hi, Mary. Your checklist appears to have generated a lot of interest. Could you please also share it with me? Thank you. [email protected]
Hi Mary, I’d love to see your checklist as well. Please send to [email protected] Thank you
Hi Mary, thanks for offering to share a copy of your checklist. I’d love to take a look at it – [email protected], thank you!
Can you share the checklist at [email protected].
Hi Mary, Would love your checklist. Could you share to [email protected] Thank you very much. Dave
HI Mary, I would absolutely love a copy of your checklist. I am working on one right now with a co-worker and will share with you as well when completed. Thanks in advance! [email protected]
Hi Mary – I realize this is three years after you wrote the offer to share – however if the offer still stands, I would be grateful if you can send it to me as well. [email protected]
We are struggling through trying to set up our processes and very concerned we are going to miss something!
thanks Mary for your generosity . Can you please send a copy to [email protected]
Hi Mary, if you could please send a copy to me, [email protected], that would be amazing. Thanks so much for sharing.
Hi Mary,
I know it has been quite some time since you have posted this, but if the offer is still on the table could you please send me a copy at [email protected]. Thank you for the kind offer!
Hi Mary-if you are still getting these replies, I would love a copy! [email protected]
Hi Mary, I’d love to see your checklist to help compare ours. Can you please send a copy to [email protected]? Thank you!
Hi Mary, I know it’s a dated offer but if you can I would like to take a look. Can you please send a copy to [email protected]? Always trying to improve. Thanks for your generosity.
Hello Mary,
If you are still checking this post/receiving e-mails I would love a copy as well. [email protected]
Hello Mary! I appreciate the opportunity to have your 46-point checklist or if there is anyone else out there willing to share their checklist. My email is [email protected]. Thanks!
Hello Mary. I know it has been a while since you posted this but I would love a copy of your 46-point checklist. If you are still willing to share, you can send it to [email protected].
I would love to see your checklist please. Thanks.
[email protected]
Hello Mary, if by chance you are still checking this email thread, I would love to see a copy of your 46 point checklist. My email address: [email protected]. Thank YOU!
Hey Mary. I would very much appreciate a copy of your checklist as well if you are still willing to share. Thanks so much! email: [email protected]
Mary, I would appreciate a copy of your checklist if you are willing to share. Thank you so much!
[email protected].
Mary, I would appreciate your checklist if you are still willing to share it. My email address is [email protected].
Mary, I would love a copy of your checklist. You are very generous to share your work! My email address is [email protected]
Thanks in advance!
Mary, Thank you for your generous offer. As a young financial planner this type of information helps immensely. I would love to talk a look at your checklist. [email protected]. Thank you!
Mary are you still sharing your checklist. If so can you please send to [email protected]
I would love to see your checklist. Steve. [email protected]
Hi Mary,
If you still share your checklist, please send a copy to Wes Armstrong at [email protected].
thank you.
Mary, I am putting together a workflow tool and would love to see your checklist as a cross-reference. Thanks in advance.
[email protected]
I would love it if you can share with me your checklist Mary. Email address is [email protected]
Mary, I would love it if you could share with me your checklist also if still available. My email address is [email protected] Thanks!
I would also like to see your 46-point checklist. [email protected]
Mary – this is a very generous offer. If you are still checking, I would most appreciate receiving a copy of your checklist. at [email protected]. As a side note, many years ago there was a system called Text Library. It attempted to cover most issues a planner would encounter, and I found it could be used as a checklist to be sure all relevant issues were covered.
Hi Mary: Thanks for your offer. If you are still sharing your checklist, I’d love to see it. [email protected]
Mary – would love to have a copy of your checklist if you are still sharing. [email protected]. Thanks in advance!
Hi Mary would you be will to share your 46 Point Financial planning checklist would greatly appreciate it
[email protected]
If you are still sharing, I would love to see the list! [email protected]
Hello Mary… if you would not mind, I too would be very interested in seeing your checklist, if it is still available. My email is [email protected].
Liam W. Soper
Hello mary…as you can see, there has been a great deal of interest! If you would not mind, I too would be very interested in seeing your checklist. [email protected] . thank you.
if your checklist is still available, please send to [email protected]…thank you
Mary, I would love a copy of your FP checklist. Thank you. [email protected] –
Hi Mary,
I am very late to the party but I’d love to take a peek at your checklist to make sure I’m not forgetting anything with my clients. My email is [email protected], if you’d be so kind. 🙂
Hello Mary;
I am a new advisor and this resource would greatly help me to capture client data. I am interested in getting a copy of the checklist as well if the offer is still open, please email to [email protected].
Many thanks,
Ronald E. Jones
Mary, I would love a copy of your checklist, if you are still checking this post. andrew.bolin @ thrivent.com
Hi Mary, sorry for the late request. Very kind of you to share professional resources. If you are still active I would love to see your list. If that is possible, please send to [email protected]. Thanks so much!
Hi Mary. Thank you for offering to share your resources. I am currently working overtime to create these checklists and feel like I am reinventing the wheel a bit. Would you mind sharing me a copy of yours? It would be very greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
[email protected]
Please send me a copy to [email protected]
Mary, if it isnt too late I would love a copy of your checklist. Thanks in advance!
[email protected]
Mary, if it isnt too late I would love a copy of your checklist. Thanks in advance!
[email protected]
Good to know that FPA is working on this and that you were able to incorporate some of those points and resources in your blog post.
I am just finishing up that book! It’s been on my reading list for a while and I finally pushed it to the top. It’s an excellent read.
I agree that we generally don’t use checklists enough. I have heard that every client situation is so unique that a checklist wouldn’t work but I disagree. We use them for some things but I think we could do more.
I have been working on an internal checklist for our financial planning department for quite some time and recently started reading the Checklist Manifesto. I would be interested in hearing/sharing thoughts with other professionals.
Hi Melissa,
I’d love to hear your thoughts and compare our checklists. My email is [email protected].
I think getting checklists in place in our field will be very helpful for quality-control if at the same time we address the essential balance between a helpful checklist-based process versus a checklist process that squeezes the life out of professionalism. Here’s a link that expresses this idea in more detail: http://positivepsychologynews.com/news/jeremy-mccarthy/2013040225730
If you want to set-up repeatable checklists and routines you can use this web application:
You can use it to manage your goals, projects and tasks, set next actions and contexts, use checklists, and a calendar.
Syncs with Evernote and Google Calendar, and also comes with mobile version, and Android and iPhone apps.
Still handing out checklists? If so I would enjoy one.
I’ve thought this for a long time. Is anything now available? With NAPFA, you, Bob Veres and other top minds I’m sure this can be done.
Mary, I’m a little late to the party here but I am just beginning the process of developing a comprehensive checklist for my firm and would be interested to see yours if you are still willing to share. Ditto for anyone else engaged in this process, I will be happy to reciprocate. I can be reached at [email protected].
This is an important pivot point we can take to further improve our profession. I too just finished the book and was disappointed that it didn’t have a lot of steps to take, but it drove the point home. Checklists can certainly make a positive impact.
While I no longer am a member of the FPA so can’t access the community, google was helpful in finding some financial planning checklist examples, and if you specify filetype:pdf it refines it even more. Invesco has a good one http://bit.ly/1ng0BqS, also Coastal Capital http://bit.ly/1wX49aR.
I’d love to see your checklist – please send to [email protected].
Is it still possible for someone to share the 46-point financial planning checklist Mary mentioned? I just discovered this blog. Thanks! my email is [email protected]
Thanks Mary, I’d love a copy of your checklist. Please email me at [email protected]
Hi Mary, 2 years late to the discussion but thanks for the offer to share your checklist. If you’re still able, would you please send it to [email protected]. Thanks so much! Katie
Hi, Mary – May I get a copy of your checklist as well? Thanks – Susan [email protected].
Realizing that I’m extremely late to this discussion, however per chance that this is yet viewed by someone with a sample copy of Mary’s “46-point financial planning chklst”, may I have a copy sent to [email protected]?
Hi Jeffrey,
I am very late to the party but I’d love to exchange checklists of mine, yours and Mary’s to make sure I’m not forgetting anything with my clients. My email is [email protected], if you’d be interested.
Hi, I developed that app to help people calculate and analise loans, it would be awesome if you tried it and gave me some feedback so I can improve it and add more functionalities:
Mary, I would also appreciate receiving a copy of your checklist which you offered four years ago. This is a generous industry and thank you for helping others do a better job. [email protected]
Thank you, Marian
Can you share the checklist with me: [email protected]
Thank you in advance,
I would be happy to share mine. When I started with the firm , they had a very simple checklist they used locally. I expanded it because we have HNW clientele. Besides, we need to indicate that we have a comprehensive planning process, a few documents are not enough.
My checklist became more advanced so that I can get the data we need. Now I am told by team members that they think it is too intimidating to prospects and clients. It is only two pages? I do not ask clients to type or write any data. Just get me the docs- I do the rest. I even tell them they can dictate answers to me in voicemail. Anything to make it easy.
Last year we had a client die while the request for doing a financial plan was still in their possession. If they had given to us the documents that I requested, we would have caught a major property titling error that cost their estate thousands and caused family aggravation.
How do we get clients to act on the offer of a periodic financial plan ? I try to make these sessions fun, involving, and comprehensive.After meeting with me, they are organized, know what they own, what they owe, the planning gaps, and their retirement lifestyle.
Hi Bill, Thanks for sharing. I’d love to see your checklist. Would you mind emailing it to [email protected]?
Would love to see your checklist, [email protected]
I’d also love to see your checklist. Thanks for the offer. [email protected]
Hi Bill-
I’d love to see your checklist, thanks for paying it forward. [email protected]
I would love to see a copy of your checklist as I am in the process of creating mine.
Thanks in advance
[email protected]
Bill – if you’re still willing to share, I would be highly interested. I am in the process of defining all processes in our office now. Would be happy to share my version once I’ve reviewed and modified for our office. Thanks in advance, Whitney [email protected]
Dear Bill,
I recently started working for a financial planning company and am currently working on creating a checklist for maintaining client files and to make sure we are providing the best service to our clients. I’d be very grateful for your help with this checklist.
My email is: [email protected]
Thank you,
Hi Rohene,
I’m not sure if you or anyone in more recent times was able to obtain a checklist from Bill, but I would like to obtain a copy as well for myself. I would also be willing to offer any resources I have to help other advisors out as well. My e-mail address is [email protected]
Bill, thanks so much for your willingness to share your work. I am just getting started on mine and would love to see what you included on yours. Email is [email protected]. Thank you again!
Hi Bill,
I am very late to the party but I’d love to exchange checklists to make sure I’m not forgetting anything with my clients. My email is [email protected], if you’d be interested.
Hi Bill,
I’m SUPER late to the party and not sure if you will get this or not. If you are still passing out the checklist, I would really appreciate it as I am about to go independent. [email protected]
Thank you
Mary, I would appreciate your checklist if you are still willing to share it. That is very generous of you o share. My email address is [email protected] Thank you!
Mary is that Checklist still available? If yes, I’m at [email protected]
Hi Mary. I know this is late, but would you email me the checklist you use as well? My email is [email protected].
I realize how late I am to this party. If anyone has the checklist that Mary was posting about can you forward it to me: [email protected] Thank you!
My financial advisor company Morebo worked from a simple checklist which inspired confidence. As a productivity/systems enthusiast I enjoyed this article, and the prospect that this should be employed across multiple industries. Thank you