Enjoy the current installment of "weekend reading for financial planners" – this week's edition kicks off with a fascinating look at a new CFP disclosure form from Northwestern Mutual, in advance of the CFP Board's new fiduciary disclosure rules, that not only provides a template for what the future of (more thorough) CFP fiduciary disclosure may look like, but also raises questions anew of whether CFP professionals will find it difficult to comply with their fiduciary obligations themselves when working for firms that are primarily in the business of manufacturing and distributing products. Also in the news this week is the official launch of the OneFPA Network "Beta Test", as more than 80% of FPA's 86 chapters declined to even apply but the organization is still moving forward with its test of new staffing, accounting, and technology systems by accepting 11 of the 16 chapters that did request to be involved.
From there, we have several articles on spending and debt, including a look at the common myths of what does (and doesn't) actually increase or decrease one's credit score, the rise of new online installment notes that are replacing payday lending as the new triple-digit-interest-rate high-risk lending program, and how the "old rules of wealth" to save early and often for retirement are falling by the wayside with a Millennial generation that is still struggling to balance the desire to buy a home, start a family, build a career, and save for retirement... on top of carrying a potential mountainload of student loan debt that in some cases may literally take until retirement to repay!
We also have a few articles on financial advisor marketing, including new research on where financial advisors are spending their marketing dollars that work (hint: increasingly on not just social media, but digital advertisements funneling interested prospects to increasingly targeted advisor websites and landing pages), what it really means to pursue a relationship with a "Center Of Influence" (and how to identify such COIs beyond the typical lawyers and accountants), why you should not use a quick auto-responder with every new LinkedIn connection you make, and how Opt-In Text Messages are becoming a new financial advisor marketing channel.
We wrap up with three interesting articles, all around the theme of the growing awareness of the advisory industries' issues with not only gender discrimination but also sexual harassment and sexual assault in the aftermath of the Ken Fisher incident: the first shares the stories of women in finance who have been sexually harassed or assaulted at a financial advisor conference; the second shares stories of women in finance who have faced gender discrimination challenges or similar sexual harassment or assault in the workplace; and the last looks at how advisory industry conferences are beginning to implement more stringent harassment and assault reporting tools, with actual enforcement mechanisms in place, to finally try to change behavior at industry events and hold accountable those engaging in inappropriate behavior.
Enjoy the 'light' reading!