With the ongoing proliferation of email, it's now estimated that we collectively send around more than 200 billion emails per day, and the number grows exponentially every year. Yet unfortunately, it's also estimated that about 90% of those emails are spam. Which means with every passing year, there's more and more pressure to come up with new ways to keep control of your email inbox.
In this week’s #OfficeHours with @MichaelKitces, my Tuesday 1PM EST broadcast via Periscope, I share my 6 top tips for how I handle my own high-volume email inbox. From setting up a clear file folder system to sort through, to using the "Rules" systems in email software to sort them for me, creating autoresponders and custom alias email addresses, and more.
The reality is that for most advisors, regaining control of your email inbox may take a while, especially if you've felt so overwhelmed in the past you've just allowed it to go from bad to worse. But the good news is that the tips I provide can be done incrementally over time. Start with one step, do the next, and then another. If you commit just a minute or two a day to make small changes, you'll find in a month that your email inbox is a lot more manageable than it ever was before!