Welcome to the 327th episode of the Financial Advisor Success Podcast!
My guest on today's podcast is Marc Horner. Marc is the Founder of Fairhaven Wealth Management, an independent RIA based in Wheaton, Illinois, that oversees more than $1 billion in assets under management for 450 client households.
What's unique about Marc, though, is the way he's been able to market and differentiate his firm by drawing upon his years of wirehouse experience to create a distinctly un-wirehouse brand… going so far as to create a series of parody commercials that portray stereotypical 'big-firm' sales-oriented advisors who may not have their clients' best interests at heart as a way to distinguish and contrast not only his firm's fiduciary approach but their 'willing-to-be-different' culture to prospective clients.
In this episode, we talk in-depth about how Marc developed and implemented his unique marketing strategy of writing parody commercials that feature a satirical sales-centric advisory firm, Bear Brothers Financial, and how he got mentally comfortable taking such a non-traditional approach to trying to stand out in his marketing, how Marc has sought to grow his team through a split of one-third organic hiring, one-third of recruiting existing advisors with clients, and one-third of hires made through acquisitions, and how, while Marc was in the early stages of planning to leave the wirehouse world and go independent, he made cold calls to other advisory firm owners asking for advice on making the transition… which also grew relationships with them, to the point that 4 out of the 5 firms he has now acquired were a result of those initial cold calls.
We also talk about how, after 14 years in the wirehouse world, Marc decided to break away and go independent by himself, and managed to grow quickly from $80 million in AUM to over $1 billion and 22 employees in under 8 years, how Marc created what he calls a Protective Put to find new opportunities to acquire other advisory firms, where Marc signs an agreement that if something were to happen to the advisor, Fairhaven would take over the advisor's clients and give their families an agreed percentage of revenue over a period of time so the monetary value isn't lost, and how, in addition to his website and parody commercials, Marc self-publishes a bi-annual print magazine (that features financial topics with lots of photos and employs local college students to write the copy) so that he can stay in front of prospects (and even other advisory firms he might someday acquire) in a more tangible way.
And be certain to listen to the end, where Marc shares how he balances the mentality of taking the work they do for clients very seriously but 'not taking ourselves so seriously' in the way he markets, why Marc feels that aspiring advisors would benefit from beginning their careers not by pursuing financial advisor jobs but getting into the commercial banking industry right of college, where there's less pressure to prospect and sell and more opportunity to learn the mechanics of finance and get familiar with the needs and challenges of small business owners looking to borrow from a bank's commercial lending team, and how Marc was able to balance the rapid growth of his firm over the past 8 years with still being present for his family (including driving 5 hours to be present for his oldest daughter's college volleyball games) by setting his family as a hard priority on his calendar just like any other client or work commitment!
So, whether you're interested in learning about how Marc's unique marketing strategy is received by current and prospective clients, how Marc handles the rapid growth and scaling of his firm, or the way Marc structures his firm and compensates his advisors, then we hope you enjoy this episode of the Financial Advisor Success podcast, with Marc Horner.