Welcome back to the 203rd episode of Financial Advisor Success Podcast!
My guest on today's podcast is Maribeth Kuzmeski. Maribeth is the founder of Red Zone Marketing, a marketing consulting firm with a focus on independent financial advisors that are looking to implement actionable marketing strategies. What's unique about Maribeth though, is the particular research-based, evidence-based focus she takes to financial advisor marketing, and the principle that marketing success doesn't have to be about doing something completely innovative and new and never seen before, but simply looking at what already works in the world of financial advisors and just adapting what is necessary to the specifics of your own business, so you can get started and getting results more quickly.
In this episode, we talk in depth about what Maribeth's research shows that financial advisors are actually doing now, in the midst of the ongoing pandemic environment, to adapt their marketing to a virtual and digital world. From conducting hyper-targeted email marketing campaigns to using third-party email services, and suggesting some of the providers so that advisors are actually using to do it successfully, to conducting virtual educational events with webinars and how to adapt your presentations to get better marketing results when you're delivering in a virtual format, to the rise of virtual client appreciation events, that are less about conducting a celebratory event for clients and more about simply creating meaningful social opportunities in a pandemic environment where we've all been closed off from each other. Whether it's virtual cooking events, virtual team meetup, or for one advisor, weekly virtual Bingo for their clients and prospects.
We also talk about how the pandemic has changed the nature of generating referrals in a world of virtual meetings. Why it's so crucial to turn the video on and ensure that virtual meetings are still face-to-face with tips on how to get reluctant clients, who in the past have preferred phone calls, to actually start meeting with you via video. How video meetings make it possible to connect with clients more frequently in smaller bites in a way that can actually help keep the advisor more top-of-mind for referral opportunities, and how to get opportunities to meet with prospects virtually by offering second opinion meetings to encourage them to meet with you for the first time.
Be certain to listen to the end where Maribeth shares her own journey of finding financial advisors as her niche as a marketing consultant, the way her first financial advisor client grew his business from 10 million to 200 million of AUM in just five years by focusing on a niche of his own, and how, in the end, many of the most successful niches for marketing purposes don't come about by trying to mastermind the ideal perfect niche upfront, but instead by simply finding a segment of clients you're already having some success with and going deeper and deeper and deeper until you look back and realize that what you've created is far more specialized and differentiated than you ever realized it could be.
So whether you’re interested in learning what other financial advisors are doing to adapt to the pandemic, how to adapt your virtual presentations to get better marketing results, or why video calls are crucial to making the face-to-face connection with clients and prospects alike, then we hope you enjoy this episode of the Financial Advisor Success podcast.