As we enter the 2019 holiday season and the year (and decade!) comes to a close, I am once again so thankful to all of you, the ever-growing number of readers who continue to regularly visit this Nerd’s Eye View blog (and share the content with your friends and colleagues, which we greatly appreciate!). As we entered the decade of the 2010s, this blog was still in a nascent stage on the website, with just 1,225 people coming to read the entire month of December 2009; today, far more people than that read our blog posts in just the first two hours after each article is published and emailed out to everyone! And I have even more exciting ideas about how we can do more and be even better for the advisor community in 2020… stay tuned for more announcements in the coming weeks!
We recognize that although this blog is a weekly habit for thousands of advisors, not everyone reads every blog post that is released from Nerd’s Eye View throughout the year. As many of you noted in response to our recent Reader Survey, most choose which articles to read based on headlines and topics that are of interest. Yet in practice, this means that an article once missed is often never seen again, ‘overwritten’ (or at least bumped out of your Inbox!) by the next day’s, week’s, and month’s worth of content that comes along.
Accordingly, just as I did last year and in 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014, I've compiled for you this Highlights List of our top 20 articles in 2019 that you might have missed, including some of our most popular episodes of the Financial Advisor Success podcast. So whether you're new to the blog and #FASuccess podcast and haven't searched through the Archives, or simply haven't had the time to keep up with everything, I hope that some of these will (still) be useful for you! And as always, I hope you'll take a moment to share podcast episodes and articles of interest with your friends and colleagues as well!
In the meantime, I hope you're having a safe and happy holiday season. Thanks again for another successful year in 2019, and I hope you enjoy all the new features and resources we'll be rolling out in 2020, too!