Human beings are creatures of habit. The good news is that habits make it easier for us to get through the day and do everything we need to do. The bad news is that it can get us stuck in a rut and reinforce bad behaviors.
In this week’s #OfficeHours with @MichaelKitces, my Tuesday 1PM EST broadcast via Periscope, we look at the virtue of going to financial advisor conferences, as a way to get a fresh perspective and get out of a potential rut in your business and career.
Because ultimately, while there's certainly value to going out for a conference to get a lot of CE credits all in one place, it's the potential for business ideas and connections with other advisors that is really the most valuable. Because often it takes an outsider's perspective about the struggles you face to figure out how to move forward.
To really maximize the value of attending a conference, though, it's crucial to take the steps to prepare yourself for success. Which means scoping out the agenda in advance to plan on what sessions you will (and won't) attend, bringing ample business cards to share, sending a follow-up email to the people you meet, and visiting the exhibit hall, which increasing is filled with providers that can help make your business more successful!