Since as early as 1960, our national health expenditures have been steadily increasing. The American Medical Association found Americans paid nearly $3.5 trillion on healthcare in 2017, and expenses continue to rise, with estimated increases in healthcare expenses by the Bureau of Labor Statistics pegged at over 7% since 2016.
To address our country's rising healthcare expenses, the Medicare Modernization Act was signed into law by President George W. Bush in December, 2003. This law created Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to encourage individuals to enroll in High-Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) in an effort to curb overall healthcare spending. In essence, HDHPs incentivize individuals to make healthcare decisions more carefully, with higher out-of-pocket requirements and lower premium expenses (which can often make up for the higher out-of-pocket requirements – especially for healthy individuals!).
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) offer a further incentive for HDHP enrollment, as they provide a very attractive 'triple-tax' set of potential benefits. The three potential benefits are: 1) tax-deductible contributions, 2) tax-deferred growth, and 3) tax-free withdrawals for qualified medical expenses (although withdrawals made for non-qualified expenses are not tax-free and incur a 20% penalty if made before age 65). After age 65, though, non-qualified withdrawals have no penalty, so the account virtually becomes an “enhanced” IRA which can be used for any purpose but without the requirement of taking annual RMDs.
As with other tax-preferenced savings accounts, there are contribution limits for HSAs, which are based on the type of HDHP coverage an account owner has. For family HDHPs, annual limits are $7,000 for 2019 ($7,100 for 2020), and for self-only HDHPs, limits are $3,500 for 2019 ($3,550 for 2020). Additionally, HSA owners age 55 and older are allowed to make an annual $1,000 catch-up contribution.
Financial advisors with clients who are married and have mixed health insurance coverage can help their clients understand their actual HSA contribution limits, as these limits depend on the type of plan each spouse has. For spouses covered by separate self-only HDHP plans, each can contribute up to the maximum, self-only limit to their respective HSAs, but they can’t make up for any contribution shortfalls of the other spouse.
Sometimes, one spouse might have self-only HDHP coverage and the other an "employee-and-children" family HDHP (which does not offer coverage for the employee's spouse). This can be cost-effective for couples with children, as family HDHPs sometime provide for “employee and children” coverage that is less expensive than family plans that include both spouses. In this situation, the spouse with self-only coverage is limited to the self-only HSA contribution amount, and the spouse with family coverage can contribute up to the family limit. But while the total between spouses cannot exceed the family limit, the spouse with the family plan can make up for any contribution shortfall of the spouse with self-only coverage.
In rare cases, both spouses may each opt for separate HSA-eligible family HDHPs through their employers (perhaps because of different in-network doctors offered by each plan). Again, the total contribution between spouses may not exceed the annual family limit, but in this situation, both spouses have the ability to compensate for any contribution shortfalls of the other, or to simply choose which spouse's HSA it makes sense to fund first.
Financial advisors who have married clients with HSAs, where at least one spouse is under age 65, can employ some strategies to maximize the value of their clients’ accounts. For example, it may behoove the couple to maximize contributions to the older spouse’s account first in order to reduce the potential exposure to the 20% penalty for non-qualified withdrawals, since the penalty will not apply to the age 65+ older spouse. In addition, using HSA funds from the younger spouse’s account to pay for qualified medical expenses will also result in more funds in the older spouse’s account, available for penalty-free withdrawals for non-qualified expenses.
Ultimately, the key point is that the unique triple-tax benefits of HSAs make them attractive savings vehicles that can be used for expenses beyond medical care (but penalty-free for non-qualified expenses only after age 65). Financial advisors can help their clients with different HDHP coverage options get the most value out of their HSAs by guiding them through their specific contribution rules and choosing how to coordinate withdrawals for qualified and non-qualified expenses from each account in the most tax-efficient manner.