Enjoy the current installment of "weekend reading for financial planners" - this week's edition kicks off with the huge news this week: that the Department of Labor issued its final fiduciary rule, with some final concessions to Wall Street firms but the substantive core remaining intact... although we may not know for years, until the attorneys get involved, whether or how much more protective the rule will really be.
From there, we have several practice management articles this week, from a look at how to engage in data-driven (digital) marketing tactics, to what you should consider in getting started with digital SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tactics, along with how to edit your advisory firm's bio page, who to recruit to your client advisory board, and why it's increasingly necessary for advisors to check their technology stack for duplicative services they might trim (and whether it's time to start pressuring technology providers to better unbundle their services).
We also have a few more technical articles this week, including: the difference in tax treatment between ETNs versus ETFs (and why ETNs are more favorable in some circumstances); how to use Roth conversions to protect clients from higher future tax rates; and the latest research from Wade Pfau on how best to incorporate a reverse mortgage as part of the retirement income picture.
We wrap up with three interesting articles: the first is a look at how sometimes the greatest blocking points to growing an advisory business and being successful come from our own personal challenges that get expressed in the business; the second is a great reminder that an advisory business isn't a business because you earn a living by working in it... it's only a business when it has value beyond the work that you do yourself; and the last looks at the rising phenomenon of the 'workaholic' and why many seem to feel so compelled to work so hard, and can't seem to escape our jobs as a prison, even as the reality is that more than ever we find our sense of identity and purpose in our work (and not merely the activities we do in our off-work hours, as was the case just a generation ago)!
Enjoy the "light" reading!