Enjoy the current installment of "weekend reading for financial planners" - this week's edition kicks off with the big announcement of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud, a new contender in the world of advisor CRM as Salesforce looks to build on its success in financial services by building its own proprietary customized solution for financial advisors.
From there, we have several technical articles, including some good reminder tips for those doing "last-minute" IRA contributions in the coming weeks, and a review of the issues to consider for early retirees who want/need access to health insurance after work and before being eligible for Medicare at age 65 (now more feasible than ever, thanks to the new health insurance exchanges). We also have two investment-related articles, one discussing the launch of Eaton Vance's new "exchange-traded mutual fund" (the ETMF) and how it's similar-but-different to an ETF, and the other looking at how high-dividend strategies may have strong performance but value-oriented strategies (regardless of the dividend) appear to perform even better.
There are also a few technology-related articles this week, including software reviews of a new digital content marketing service called Financial Media Exchange (FMeX), a new platform for advisors to engage in options trading called Vest Financial, and the looming emergence of facial recognition software that advisors might use to help understand their prospects and clients better (and how they emotionally react to money and financial issues). There's also a good review of the technology offerings of the "smaller" and start-up-friendly RIA custodians, including TradePMR, SSG, and Scottrade Advisor Services.
We wrap up with three interesting articles: the first is a look at why investors tend to stray from their investment principles (hint: they convince themselves it's "close enough" to their principles that it's ok to fudge a little, even though it's often quite a material divergence); the second is a look at how our world is becoming so abundant, from free media and entertainment to excesses in many commodities, and how it may be driving malinvestment (and that a 'healthy' recession to purge the excesses would be good, before the real economy is harmed!); and the last is a discussion of whether the explosive rise of indexing over the past decade may be approaching the point that it's starting to distort the market prices for stocks and commodities, and what we might need to do in the future to correct the situation if we want to preserve cost-effective investment strategies but ensure healthy markets.
And be certain to check out Bill Winterberg's "Bits & Bytes" video on the latest in advisor tech news at the end, which this week includes a discussion about the new release of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud (and his skepticism of its significance!), and the announcement that Betterment is adding account aggregation to its retail and institutional platform.
Enjoy the "light" reading!