With nearly 1,000 cumulative articles, this past month the Nerd’s Eye View blog celebrated the 5-year anniversary (or “blogiversary”?) of its re-birth in the fall of 2010. And over that time span, this blog has gone from a sleepy little side project that had a dozen or two readers for every article, to one that generated a whopping 120,000 unique visitors last month, and has become the center of my business and professional world.
From many of you who are regular readers of the blog, and enjoy the entirely free (and advertising-free) content, I’m often asked how I can ‘afford’ to give away so much of my time and content without charging anything (or selling third-party ads). The key is simply this: no matter how much free information is out there on the internet, there will always be a subset of people who need some help implementing the ideas and strategies they read.
In fact, given the size of this site, it means that ultimately even if only 1% of you (or even 0.1% of you!) have a need to do business with one of the various companies I own, or want me to speak at your event or consult with you, and the other 99.9% of you simply use this information for free to improve your own lives (or your practice, or your work with clients), we all win. And that simple strategy has more-than-quadrupled my personal income in the past 5 years, even as I give away more and more for free!
Accordingly, I am happy to report that even as the Nerd’s Eye View blog grows to new highs, I remain committed to giving you as much helpful information as I can entirely for free - and remain free from any third-party advertising as well. In fact, you’ll notice that we’ve re-launched with an updated visual look and interface to the site to make it even easier to read and navigate, and with a re-design on the back end of the site will be rolling out more new features and services in the coming months as well. All I ask is that you continue to visit the site regularly, read the content, share it with your friends and colleagues, and if you have a need for some further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out if one of my businesses can help.