The existence of social media and search engines like Google have made it possible for niche advisors to succeed like never before, obtaining clients simply by creating content that demonstrates their expertise to their prospective clientele, and allowing those prospects to find their way to the advisor.
Yet the caveat of engaging in such inbound marketing strategies as a financial advisor is that they only work by actually creating the content, which for many advisors is a challenge unto itself in trying to think up topics to write about! As it turns out, though, there’s a remarkably easy way to come up with appropriate topics: simply create content to answer the questions your clients are already asking you!
And if writing still seems overwhelming, consider crafting an outline to help figure out what to write about. By breaking your article into 3 key points, then identifying 3 key concepts associated with each point, all that remains to create an article is just to create one paragraph (3 sentences!) to summarize each concept! (I call this writing approach the 3x3x3 strategy!)
Or alternatively, if writing is still a blocking point, consider just not writing at all! If you’re better at speaking, try recording yourself on video instead! If you just prefer to talk about the topics, try a podcast! Or hire writer who can work with you to take an initial topic idea and expand it into an article!
Ultimately, though, the biggest key to overcoming any writer’s block and producing content regularly is simply to commit to a regular schedule of content in the first place. Whether it’s just planning to do one article per month, or a rotating series of articles every week, by crafting your own “Editorial Content Calendar” you can create a form of accountability for yourself, to help ensure that your content creation efforts get the priority they deserve!