Welcome back to the 117th episode of Financial Advisor Success Podcast!
My guest on today's podcast is Josh Patrick. Josh is the founder of Stage 2 Planning, an independent RIA in Burlington, Vermont that specializes in working with small business owners.
What's unique about Josh, though, is the way he's been able to leverage his own personal experiences as a small business owner, before transitioning into financial planning as a second career, to create a deeply specialized advice process for small business owners and command retainer fees in excess of $50,000 a year from his clients.
In this episode, we talk in depth about exactly what Josh does to earn monthly retainer fees of $4,000 to $5,000 per month from small business owners, the 5 core areas that he advises them on, including setting clear values and culture, becoming operationally irrelevant in your business, learning how to really delegate effectively, how to set up effective business systems, and how to divide up the profit of the business into cash flows for lifestyle, emergency funds, business growth, and a retirement plan, and the way he's made his expertise known through a combination of blogging, podcasting, and public speaking to create a steady flow of small business owners who seek him out and are willing to pay his fees for the value they perceive.
We also talk about how many of these same business management principles map onto the business of being a financial advisor as well, where most financial advisors hit the ceiling themselves by failing to apply Josh's 5 principles of effective business, Josh's strategy for advisors to differentiate their firms while not making the firm too reliant on any one key employee or advisor, how advisors can create a guarantee that reduces a prospect's fear of signing on but without running afoul of regulators, and how most experienced advisors could apply a version of the 80/20 rule to their own practices to make themselves significantly more financially successful while simultaneously lessening the demands of the business on themselves.
And be certain to listen to the end, where Josh talks about the biggest challenge that he sees most financial advisors struggle with, the inability to delegate key tasks in client relationships, and how to overcome it by recognizing that in the end, even if team members make mistakes, there's still crucial learning opportunities, especially since the truth is that in the end, clients will rarely actually leave over a single mistake anyway, and whether they do or not is primarily a result of how the firm handles the mistake, not the mere fact that it happened in the first place.