The fundamental purpose of financial planning is to help clients achieve their financial goals, which means ultimately it's all about the client. After all, if there are no clients to pay the bills, there is no business.
Yet in this week’s #OfficeHours with @MichaelKitces, my Tuesday 1PM EST broadcast via Periscope, I explore how ultimately, focusing an advisory firm too much on the wants and needs - and whims - of the client can undermine the morale and motivation of employees. Which is a real problem, because while clients pay the bills, there's no business without the people who work in it!
Accordingly, as an advisor/owner, you might consider which is really more valuable for your business: your top client, or your best employee? Many "client-centric" firms immediately state its their top client, even though the reality is that losing a key employee could cost the business 10X more than the impact of "just" losing the best client.
In fact, the reality is that building a successful business is so reliant on developing great people, that in the end you might even consider giving your staff the power to fire the most "pain in the ass" clients - the ones with a high "PITA" factor, whose departure may really only have a small impact on the revenue of the business, but a huge positive impact on the happiness (and productivity, and loyalty) of your team.
So in the end, think carefully about whether you're really a client-centric firm... or whether it's better to be an employee-centric business first, to ensure you have the employees you need to serve your clients best!