The explosive growth of technology has made it possible for individual financial advisors to be more personally productive than ever before, from software to automate key tasks to the use of (virtual) assistants to even further leverage the advisor’s time.
However, the reality is that every financial advisor eventually hits some personal productivity wall – the point at which there just aren’t any hours left in the day to serve more clients, even with the assistance of a technology and a team of support. In some cases, it’s the time to manage the team itself that becomes the biggest barrier to growing further.
At that point, the opportunity for growth shifts to the need to add a financial advisor partner, where the advisor has the potential to earn a smaller slice of a much-larger pie. And in this context, the ideal of usually not just to combine together two already-successful financial advisors, but to actually find advisors who have different and complementary skillsets, which enhances the potential for the new whole to be worth more than just the sum of the individual parts.
Unfortunately, though, for many advisors the biggest challenge in adding a financial advisor partner is simply finding one in the first place. For most, the path seems to be through financial advisor conferences and events related to their platform, where it’s most feasible to find like-minded individuals. And fortunately, the availability of third-party “financial advisor compatibility assessment” tools can help to ensure that the partners will likely be able to formulate a shared vision for the future growth of their new joint business!