In today’s low interest rate environment, “managing cash allocations to maximize yield” is virtually an oxymoron, as there’s little yield to be obtained with any level of proactive management. However, what’s unique about this upcoming rising interest rate cycle is that as rates rise and do become more appealing, for the first time ever internet and mobile banking are widespread. Which means it’s easier than ever before to open accounts online and move cash around to maximize yield. So easy in fact, that you could simply program a computer algorithm to monitor for higher yielding opportunities, and transfer your cash from one bank account to another.
And that’s exactly what a new FinTech startup has done. Called “MaxMyInterest”, the platform is designed to monitor the available yields from five major online banks, and automatically shift available cash dollars in a manner to always earn the maximal available yield. In addition, the platform can also be programmed to maximize yield up to available FDIC coverage limits (and then shifting the excess dollars over to other banks), effectively automating the asset protection strategy of spreading cash across banks to maximize FDIC protection!
And after an initial launch directly to consumers, MaxMyInterest is now developing a private white label platform for advisors. Dubbed “MaxForAdvisors”, the tool will allow advisors to offer this form of bank account cash management program directly to clients, both to maximize their yields and their FDIC-based asset protection, for a mere cost of 8bps/year (which for many clients will be more than recovered by the process of automatically shopping and shifting to higher yields), while also providing advisors a "Max Advisor Dashboard" to keep track of client cash positions. So in a world where advisors are actively seeking ways to differentiate from robo-advisors, will MaxForAdvisors become a technology solution advisors can use to enhance their own perceived value-add?