Last week, the 9th annual Technology Tools for Today (T3) conference was underway at the Anaheim Hilton, at the doorstep of the Anaheim Convention Center and Disneyland. This year’s event was the largest ever, slightly edging out last year’s total with nearly 600 attendees, including both advisors themselves, and a wide range of advisor tech companies and their representatives.
As the conference continues to grow, T3 is increasingly the conference for advisor tech companies to be seen at; several players timed key announcements to the conference, from a big integration announcement by SEI, to Pershing’s new NetXInvestor platform, to a new account aggregation dashboard offering from MoneyGuidePro. In addition, numerous brand new advisor tech software companies revealed their software debuts at the conference, from a Personal Financial Management (PFM) tool, to a new simple web-based advisor CRM, and more. This year's T3 event also featured a new "FAStech Cup" advisor tech competition for up-and-coming tech-savvy financial planning students, a strategic shift that means in the future the T3 conference may not only be a location for advisor tech tools but also new hires who know how to use them!
Overall, the mood of the conference was very upbeat, notwithstanding some internet problems at the beginning and a looming east-coast snowstorm at the end that led many attendees to depart a few hours early. As virtually all major software tools have now transitioned to the cloud, and the number of integrations continues to proliferate, this year’s T3 conference seemed to mark a turning point where the challenge of advisor technology decisions is less and less about finding software at all, and increasingly about the difficulty of navigating a complex patchwork of integrations and choosing from an ever-wider array of potential solutions!