Getting a handle on client expenses is often difficult - and only exacerbated by the fact that most people don't exactly enjoy the budgeting process. Nonetheless, failing to accurately estimate ongoing expenses makes it almost impossible to plan. While in many situations, it's possible to get a reasonable estimate of spending by looking at ongoing household expenses, the reality is that many people have large expenses that occur irregularly throughout the year - or even interspersed across several years - and as a result, "just" focusing on recurring monthly expenses can lead to a significant underestimate of true spending.
The end result is that a lot of clients and planners may systematically underestimate spending by failing to fully take into account large irregular expenses, such that there is never as much money left at the end of the year to save as originally anticipated. Some planners adjust for this by trying to estimate every expense and convert it into a monthly amount, just to get a more accurate estimate of ongoing spending; others simply try to estimate the amounts of irregular expenses and when they might occur, and project accordingly. So how do you handle irregular expenses?Read More...