The common refrain from practice management consultants for years is that to survive and succeed, planning firms need to clearly define their target market. After all, if you don't know who you're trying to serve, you can't create unique value for them, and you can't focus your limited resources. The good news is that after years of this messages, a recent trend suggests that financial planners are finally getting it... sort of. Planners are saying that they've defined a target market in increasing numbers; the problem is, their target market is often defined as no more than "people who can afford my services" - and that is NOT a target market!Read More...
A recent common refrain at conferences is that when done best, financial planning is a process, not an event - meaning that financial planning is not about delivering "THE plan" at the end, but about the ongoing process of continually aligning money with goals as life and circumstances continually change. In turn, this implies that the value of financial planning will be rooted in the ongoing experience that the client has while engaging in the planning process. But how good is that experience, recently? Perhaps not so great... as one researcher's recent focus group described financial planning as feeling "like a mix between a dental visit, math class, and marriage therapy." Ouch.Read More...
Coming soon to a branch office in your neighborhood: the latest – and greatest – fiduciary standard ever! No scaling. No cutting or gutting! Blended just the way Wall Street likes it.
Forget that the fiduciary duty is an overlay of principles designed to fill in the gaps of law and regulation to assure that the adviser acts in the best interest of the client. A traditional fiduciary duty, relying on legal precedent, would create an overarching, nearly bullet-proof standard unassailable by Wall Street lawyers eager to poke Swiss cheese holes in it.
One of the strategies that many financial planners use to differentiate themselves is to communicate that they are fiduciaries: legally bound to put their clients' interests before their own. In fact, as the debate about the fiduciary vs suitability standards has increased in recent years, more and more advisors who are subject to fiduciary regulation are promoting it as a differentiator in the marketplace. Yet in reality, most people generally assume that anyone they're doing business with will treat them fairly - at least until proven otherwise. Which means that claiming you're a fiduciary isn't necessarily a differentiator - unless you actually go so far as to bash your competition and accuse them, implicitly or explicitly, of being liars and cheaters. Could this be part of why the fiduciary message doesn't really connect in the marketplace? Because it's turning into a giant negative advertising campaign where you bash the competition instead focusing on the value you actually deliver?
Learning about stock options is a staple of investment education; whether it's the investment section of the CFP certification curriculum or the Series 7, virtually all planners learn about the basics of stock options. However, in practice, options are very rarely used for hedging the typical client portfolio, due to a number of reasons. Nonetheless, there is perhaps an even better use of options for hedging - not to protect a client portfolio from the next bear market, but to protect the profit margins of the financial planning practice!Read More...
As safe withdrawal rate research gains in popularity, it is both increasing used - and misused - by financial planners and the press. Although the research does have its limitations - which I discuss frequently in my presentations at various financial planning conferences throughout the year - and is built on many assumptions that deserve to be challenged, a rising number of safe withdrawal rate critics appear to criticize the approach based on inaccurate statements. So let's clear up a few points of confusion about safe withdrawal rate assumptions. Read More...