Earlier this month the Financial Planning Association hosted FPA Retreat, one of the leading cutting edge conferences on the art and science of financial planning. Drawing hundreds of attendees from across the country (and around the world, with participants coming from as far away as Australia!), the conference never lacks for interesting ideas and conversations, both within the sessions and out in the hallways. This year, though, those who didn't attend still had the opportunity to enjoy some of the content virtually, thanks to an active group of participants who "live Tweeted" highlights throughout the conference on the #FPARetreat11 hashtag. For those of you who missed it, here are some of the highlights...Read More...
As the popularity of social media rises - from Facebook to LinkedIn to Twitter - advisors are increasingly asking "what's all the buzz about" and "why should I care?" As many point out, planners develop new clients primarily by getting referrals from existing clients, and having face-to-face meetings to get to know them better. No one makes a decision about who to give their life savings to based on a Facebook page, right!? Perhaps, but a focus on the new business development opportunities from social media misses an important but crucial point - there's already plenty of value to be derived from social media, just by connecting to your EXISTING clients, to deepen the personal relationship you already have with them!Read More...
Being a good financial planner is not just about having the knowledge and information to direct clients on how to best achieve their goals and financial success.
Ultimately, most would agree that the true measure of success is to look at how effective the planner is in actually helping clients achieve those goals; in other words, does the client actually have an improved path to success because of the planner's involvement. In turn, this means that the planner's true success hinges not only upon having the right advice, but also depends upon the client actually implementing that advice, and the planner's ability help those clients make the required changes!
There's just one problem: it turns out that telling people what to do is actually a terrible way to get them to do it!Read More...
If there's one piece of investment advice that's almost universally agreed upon by financial planners, it's this one: don't bail out of stocks after a bear market. In fact, the entire foundation of wealth accumulation in the financial planning world is predicated on a healthy exposure to stocks for the long run, especially during the accumulation phase.
The planning world has attached itself to this stocks-for-the-long-run focus over the past two decades with its shift to an assets-under-management (AUM) business model, where revenues and value for the firm are tied to the markets in a similar manner to the client's wealth and (future) income.
Yet in recent years - and especially since the 2008-2009 bear market - some planning firms have been starting to shift away from the AUM model, opting instead for more stable income business models like retainers. Yet this raises the question: if clients are supposed to stick with stocks for the long run and stay the course through temporary market downturns, are planners being hypocritical by not doing the same thing with their AUM business model?Read More...
One of the most common complaints within the industry about the state of financial planning is that it is marred by so many practitioners who say they are financial advisors, but do not really do financial planning... or worse, do it badly, wrong, or outright deceitfully. Yet although so many planners state that they have come across such "bad" practitioners, virtually none state that they have ever reported a bad practitioner, either to regulatory authorities, or to the CFP Board if the individual holds the CFP marks but doesn't do financial planning "right." Yet how will the financial planning industry be cleaned up of its inappropriate practitioners if we do not take a part in it? So there's the question: what is - or should be - the responsibility of financial planners to report the wrong-doing of other people who hold themselves out to be financial planners?Read More...
With the cost of health care just continuing to spiral higher and higher as the years go by, it becomes increasingly difficult to advise clients about how much to save to handle those future costs in retirement.
On the one hand, it's crucial not to undersave, such that ongoing health care costs devastate and deplete the retirement portfolio; on the other hand, excess conservatism can be bad too, forcing clients to unnecessarily constrain their lifestyle with more saving than is necessary, or working longer and retiring later than was actually needed.
So just how much do you assume your mass affluent clients will pay in projected future health care costs during retirement?Read More...