Earlier today the Supreme Court issued its ruling in the case of Department of Revenue of Kentucky v. Davis, stating that Kentucky's tax rules which exempt the interest earned on Kentucky muncipal bonds while taxing the interest of other state's bonds is not a violation of the so-called dormant commerce clause of the Constitution. The ruling spared what may have been a tumultuous disruption to the municipal bond market, but the Supreme Court's decision still leaves the door open for several issues...
In a press release this morning, the CFP Board announced the creation of the new "Council on Education" for the purposes of developing a model curriculum, determining continuing education requirements, reviewing course providers, and implementing a peer review process, among other things. Huh? Isn't that what the CFP Board already does!?
If you ask anyone in the financial planning industry who the leader is for industry consulting and benchmarking, Moss Adams is likely to be at the top of the list. At least, it was up until today.
It's been a time of great change for the CFP Board over the past few years, and especially the past 12 months or so. The responsilibity for managing all of this change in the organization lies on the shoulders of one man - Kevin Keller. The only catch - he's also the new kid on the block.
Many financial planners are faced with the client question: "Which pension option should I choose?" Comparing various lump sum and annual pension payout choices based on client life expectancies has often been mathematically intensive and quite difficult - at least, up until now.
April is Financial Literacy Month - a time for us to reflect on what we're doing to promote and support financial literacy in the United States, and hopefully focus on making improvements. But a recent survey indicates that we need to try harder - and we might even be losing ground!