Enjoy the current installment of “Weekend Reading For Financial Planners” - this week’s edition kicks off with the news that the FPA is planning to leave the Financial Planning Coalition (which also includes the CFP Board and NAPFA) at the end of the year. This follows the FPA’s announcement that it plans to pursue title reform for the term “financial planner”, and signals that there may be coordination challenges or divergent strategies among the three organizations that could make title reform more challenging, as regulators are likely to receive pushback on any significant title reform from the financial products industry that will want to see its salespeople also permitted to use the popular title.
Also in industry news this week:
- A recent study shows that many financial advisors want to spend more time on comprehensive planning and are looking at automated solutions to help them reduce the time they spend on investment management
- Why consumers see both human advice and technological solutions as key parts of their financial success
From there, we have several articles on advisor marketing and sales:
- The questions busy advisors can add to their calendaring software to filter (and refer out) unqualified prospects before spending time on a meeting
- Why it is valuable for advisors to create an archetype of their ‘ideal client’ and the process they can take to do so
- Three high-value questions advisors can use to connect with prospects and convert more of them into clients
We also have a number of articles on client psychology:
- How “temporal discounting” can help explain why clients put off difficult decisions
- Why those with a longer “mental time horizon” tend to be more successful financially and how advisors can help their clients plan further into the future
- Why the “End Of History Illusion” suggests that creating future financial flexibility for clients might be more valuable than pursuing specific goals that are decades away
We wrap up with three final articles, all about workplace trends:
- Recent data points show how workers have been adjusting their presence in the office, from only going in a couple of days per week to working in the office for a few hours each visit
- While companies might be tempted to use worker-tracking software to gauge productivity in the remote work environment, doing so can create a lack of trust and low morale among the workforce
- How companies have adjusted their workplace rituals in the remote environment to promote employee engagement
Enjoy the ‘light’ reading!