Enjoy the current installment of "Weekend Reading For Financial Planners" – this week's edition kicks off with the announcement that the CFP Board has created a new "Commission on Sanctions and Fitness", which, in the coming year, will update the Sanction Guidelines (from private to public censure, suspension to revocation) that the CFP Board can apply to CFP certificants who violate their Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct, as the CFP Board continues to signal its plans to ramp up enforcement of its new standards and attempt to "clean out its bad apples".
Also in the news this week are a number of other notable industry headlines, including:
- The SEC plans to scrutinize dually registered advisors in particular, with concerns about how such advisors determine when a brokerage versus advisory account is best for any particular client
- The evolving landscape of membership associations for financial advisors, as IWI and NAPFA grow through the pandemic, the FPA shrinks, and more and more new organizations also crop up to support increasingly diverse pockets of advisor community
From there, we have several articles on retirement planning:
- How households that retire with insufficient resources do tend to "right-size" (i.e., downsize) their spending in the first decade of retirement, but those who retire with more than enough appear to have trouble right-sizing their spending to the upside even when they can afford to do so
- Why the increasing likelihood of living to age 100 is creating new stresses on the traditional approach to retirement and triggering discussions about new public-private partnerships to address the societal challenge of taking care of those who can no longer work
- Tips on how to transition into Medicare upon reaching age 65 (or when it may be better not to do so!)
We've also included a number of marketing-related articles, including:
- What it really takes to become a rainmaker that brings in new clients (hint: the starting point is to get clear on your own value and become confident in it!)
- Why most financial advisors are closer to being an "authority" (and could market themselves accordingly) than they may realize
- How to build daily and weekly habits that form the foundation of a successful approach to digital marketing
We wrap up with three final articles, all around the theme of reading more (and getting more enjoyment from our reading):
- How to find more time to read if you struggle to do so
- Tips on how to get through more books on your reading list in 2021 (which may include getting comfortable with when to put a book down and not finish and just moving on to the next instead!)
- The therapeutic benefits of reading more often, and how to get the most out of your (limited) reading time!
Enjoy the 'light' reading!