Seminar marketing has long been a staple of financial advisor marketing strategies, and while it's more challenging in today's environment given the declining efficiency of direct mail (used to get prospects to show up in the first place), many advisors still use educational seminars as a way to introduce themselves to potential clients. Yet as our world becomes increasingly digital, and we substitute e-mail for snail mail, some financial advisors are experimenting with webinars as the next strategy beyond seminars.
In today's guest post, financial advisor Jeff Rose shares his experience in making the transition from seminar marketing to doing webinars instead - and how the outcome was not only better results in terms of new clients and revenue, but an investment that took less time and effort and had just 1/5th the upfront cost... and was ultimately more scalable as well.
In addition to sharing the success story itself, Jeff also shares his tips and best practices for financial advisors who want to adopt webinar marketing strategies for themselves, from the software and hardware tools he uses to the way he set up the registration process, and how he follows up with them afterward to ask for their business. So whether you've been thinking about switching away from seminar marketing, are looking for a new marketing strategy like webinars, or are already doing webinars and want a few tips for improvement, hopefully, today's guest post will be helpful food for thought!